Can you grow in a Harbor Freight Greenhouse?


Well-Known Member
I think you can. This is my first grow in about 20 years. I had to use a greenhouse due to local regs.
Greenhouse: Harbor Freight 6.5'x 8.5' x 6'3" and it sits on 7 feet of California valley loam.
Soil amendments: 5 lbs of greensand and 5lbs of crab meal.
Ventilation: 80w solar exhaust fan, 100w solar panel, 15w fan and 400cfm carbon filter.
Fertilizer: fox farm big bloom, I will soon switch to Neptune's organic bloom.
Varieties: slurty3, white tahoe cookie, runtz and a banna cream x jealously

Goal: Top, FIM them and fill the grow space without letting them outgrow the greenhouse.


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I use a 80w attic exhaust fan and 100w flexible panel. It runs when the sun is up and turns off when the sun goes down. I removed the window panels in the vents and replaced it with bug screens. Temps in the greenhouse run 2-3 degrees higher than ambient temps. Next year i am adding 400watts of panels, a solar controller, and 100ah lithium battery and it will be entirely offgrid with automated watering.
Solar panel: Topsolar Flexible Solar Panel 100W 24V/12V Monocrystalline Bendable - 100 Watt 12Volt Semi-Flexible Mono Solar Panels Charger Off-Grid for RV Boat Cabin Van Car Uneven Surfaces
Solar fan: Amtrak Solar Powerful Attic...
I use a 80w attic exhaust fan and 100w flexible panel. It runs when the sun is up and turns off when the sun goes down. I removed the window panels in the vents and replaced it with bug screens. Temps in the greenhouse run 2-3 degrees higher than ambient temps. Next year i am adding 400watts of panels, a solar controller, and 100ah lithium battery and it will be entirely offgrid with automated watering.
Solar panel: Topsolar Flexible Solar Panel 100W 24V/12V Monocrystalline Bendable - 100 Watt 12Volt Semi-Flexible Mono Solar Panels Charger Off-Grid for RV Boat Cabin Van Car Uneven Surfaces
Solar fan: Amtrak Solar Powerful Attic...
Awesome. You provided me with inspiration for my next project. Time to start trolling OfferUp for used solar panels. Good idea with adding screens in the vent.

my wife wants large raised garden beds built inside ours. Probably going to do an L shape and leave the other side open for potted plants. Im hoping to convince her to let me leave one little cannabis plant in there for fun.
Goal: Top, FIM them and fill the grow space without letting them outgrow the greenhouse.

This is definitely the largest problem of those tiny setups. I have similar and its full already. I have to do light deprivation (15 days today) otherwise it wont fit in.
This is definitely the largest problem of those tiny setups. I have similar and its full already. I have to do light deprivation (15 days today) otherwise it wont fit in.
Do you continue light deprivation the whole time or stop when you see buds.
Im doing it to at least middle of august, because i have time to do so. But some say 2-3 week are O.K.
Thank you, I have about 2 weeks before work begins and was thinking about doing this to to induce flowering a little earlier. I am a little concerned about my remaining space on a couple of the plants.
Thank you, I have about 2 weeks before work begins and was thinking about doing this to to induce flowering a little earlier. I am a little concerned about my remaining space on a couple of the plants.
I´d recomend it, but it could be annoyng to do so every morning/evening.
I have exactly the same one for vegetables and I had to collect poly parts all over the forest after the windstorm. Its not very durable.
Mine is crap too. I think there is a lot of replicas and some are better than others. I have the same issue. Im going to seal the panels in with silicon…when I get around to it.
Here is one month of growth; during this month I FIMed them 3 times. I have added no nitrogen fertilizer this month. I ordered a amazon soil test kit and the results were P, K were adequate and excess of N. It seems like the the soil test were accurate.


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Mine streched about half a meter since I "swiched" to 12/12, will send some pictures on thursday tradionally. I mean you are in trouble, they are so high (041. jpg) and not flowering yet. I wish you the best.