I know what you’re talking about. Those ones they say to use for groceries instead of plastic ones? Like I said it’s the coots mix, I dont think there’s anything that HAS to be cooked (maby I’m wrong,) but I know it’d help. I have some ocean forest (for my gf plants,) not sure what I’m going to use for seedlings. Could just use sphagnum, my coast if Maine lobster compost and perlite.Go to the dollar store (or the supermarket or Walmart) and buy a couple of re-useable fabric shopping bags. They do the job. Cook and grow, bro.
The only need to cook comes when you reammend. I personally like a no disturb cook. But if you go from a Rubbermaid to your pots not a huge deal.I know what you’re talking about. Those ones they say to use for groceries instead of plastic ones? Like I said it’s the coots mix, I dont think there’s anything that HAS to be cooked (maby I’m wrong,) but I know it’d help. I have some ocean forest (for my gf plants,) not sure what I’m going to use for seedlings. Could just use sphagnum, my coast if Maine lobster compost and perlite.
I'm not sure this Is helpful. "Cooking" soil or compost has nothing to do with actually adding heat. N sources and microbes break down those elements are what's creating heat.I add a seedling heat mat under my totes,gets the soil nice and warm to give it a boost.
My garage is cold so by itself it won’t compost or heat up. My soil is ready much quicker I found with the added heat. Thanks.I'm not sure this Is helpful. "Cooking" soil or compost has nothing to do with actually adding heat. N sources and microbes break down those elements are what's creating heat.
If your trying to boost the breakfsown process than I would add extra alfalfa or just dried cannibus leaves. Plus a nicely airated compost tea can help jump things into gear.
I’m a mushroom grower myself, so similar to a modified monotub? That’s not a bad idea, your reason being is that a Rubbermaid with the top of may be too much air? And then the pollyfill holes let off enough exchange?I used to grow mushrooms, and I cook my soil in a bin similar in design to a monotub — essentially a storage tote with some polyfill stuffed holes for gas exchange. The only difference is the tub I cook soil in is opaque.
I like the idea of dried cannabis leaves,plenty of those around.Grind them up I assume,how much per cu/ft? Thanks.I'm not sure this Is helpful. "Cooking" soil or compost has nothing to do with actually adding heat. N sources and microbes break down those elements are what's creating heat.
If your trying to boost the breakfsown process than I would add extra alfalfa or just dried cannibus leaves. Plus a nicely airated compost tea can help jump things into gear.
I usually don't measure. xoupple handful per tote.I like the idea of dried cannabis leaves,plenty of those around.Grind them up I assume,how much per cu/ft? Thanks.
Yes ground upI like the idea of dried cannabis leaves,plenty of those around.Grind them up I assume,how much per cu/ft? Thanks.