Can you clone a flowering plant?


Active Member
I have a mature female plant. She is about 6 foot tall with a 3 inch diameter trunk. Some kind of pest has damaged the stalk of the plant and the whole thing is now dying. This happened very quickly I was not able to intervene and there is nothing I can do to save the plant as a whole. Unfortunately this was the 2nd one to get his like this. I posted another thread about what I believe is responsible.

The plant has just now begun to flower. I think it will need several more weeks to get ready for a normal harvest.

I would appreciate any advice along the lines of trying to take cuttings off the main plant now in the hopes of getting them to flower later after they are rooted again. This is currently an outdoor grow in Southern US.

I need to decide in short order if I want to clone her, since the plant is already dying :(

Dr Gruber

Well-Known Member
Yes you can. Just take a cut like you normally would and keep it under 24 hour light until it goes back into veg. I've done it with plants that were very late into flower. It takes a while but it works.


Well-Known Member
yep I would inform you though that ants don't do that if anything there are aphids on the plant that the ants are eating just checked it out there are aphids all over that stem hommie.... not sure what made the hole but the aphids are what the ants are into