can two plants come from one seed?


Active Member
hello, i just recently purchased jock horror seeds from nirvana & they also came with a Germination kit. i followed the directions and took advice from other peoples forums on germination and to my surprise... well let me start from... my one seed of that i germinated i put in the soil cube and waited... about 4 days passed and i saw it breaking through about a day later i have 2 plants growing? one is about 1 1/2 inches and the other is about 1 inch tall. do i have twins? is that possible? the two plants arent connected above the soil. could this hurt the potentcy of my jock horror? i still have 9 more seeds that im not touching yet. any help would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Are you positive that you didn't put two seeds in by accident? It's also possible that it branched off under the soil, but I'm not sure why it would do that. I wouldn't worry about it for should just be like a low branch. I don't see how it could hurt potency; it will most likely just make the plant look funny.


Well-Known Member
wow,ive never heard nothing like it,are you sure you wernt stoned or drunk when you put the seed in soil and accidently put 2 seeds in one hole?but if you got 10 and you have 9 left then i suppose you must have twins,but i never thought than can happen,,,you should of bought a lottery ticket aswell.


Well-Known Member
Yes...2 plants from one seed can happen. Like yours....usually one is growing stronger than the other.

Seperate them now if you can....2 plants from one seed. What a value.


Well-Known Member
yeh good point kilik,could just be some kind of mutant that looks like 2 plants but really is 1.


Well-Known Member
thats crazy,its the first time i heard that can happen!did the one you keep grow into a female?