can trump be rehabilitated by prison?


Well-Known Member
trump is shortly gonna be drawn up for some very serious crimes that may even include treason.

is he too old to be rehabilitated at this point? or should he just be executed for his crimes?

i'm also not sure if he is fit to to stand trial due to mental infirmities. this is another possibility that we must consider.


greg nr

Well-Known Member
prison is not a rehabilitation.

trump needs to go there, in general pop....

he would bleed out rather quickly.
screw the pop, or even his bunkie. if there are stairs he is toast.

I think for a former potus and flight risk, he should go to levenworth. It's an all branches military prison, so he should be right at home. 4 am wake up call, hard labor, limited menu, no rest, no talking, no electronics or contact with anyone except your lawyer, at the discretion of the base commander.


Sour Wreck

Well-Known Member
Another possibility is that his brainwashed worshipers take to the streets with guns and start killing all the people who are celebrating his downfall :blsmoke:

or when trump is removed from office the "million moron march" will assemble all the retards and their AR's in one place. would napalm mess up the reflecting pool and mall real bad?