can sum1 tell me is this works


Active Member
idk if these lights r close enough i know the 2 on the outsides r far but does this help it @ all cuz its ina closet . r the 2 closer lights good too? i cant get em n e closer



Well-Known Member
Any CFL more than 3 inches away isn't doing much good. You would probably be better off moving the plant directly under a single bulb until you can go buy a cheap vanity light fixture from the store that will let all 4 bulbs hang down in a row.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
Bottom center of your setup looks like a dark spot. Looking at the shadows on top of your plant, it looks like your plant is centered in that dark spot. I would move it to the side to at least have two bulbs hitting it.


Well-Known Member
Looks to me like your wasting three of those and need to move the plant to about 2" directly under one, or between two, on the outer side. From here, it looks like one close above would be most effective in the short term. Need some kind of reflector around that fixture to use the middle like that? IMO.