Can someone who uses antidepressants help me?

Anti depressants can make you suicidal, if you are feeling depressed I am here to listen to you, let me know your problems, what is making you depressed? :blsmoke:
You’re better off talking to a psychiatrist than a weed growing message forum.

I’ve been prescribed several on and off for the past decade. None really do much to help, I’ve tried talk therapy too, but my provider is the VA so I’m lucky if I can see a therapist 3-4 times a year.

ended up deciding on a Kratom habit, it helps a little bit but I’m still battling suicidal thoughts way to regularly. Mfs just pop in my head like “I should kms” then I finish the thought with”one day” or “but not today” it’s fucking exhausting.
Anti-depressant Big Pharma drugs twist your mind and make your dick limp is my experience. Micro-dosing 'shrooms is what finally got rid of my 40+ years of fighting the beast. Most micro doses start at 100 - 300mg, (0.10g - 0.30g), but even at the lower dose first thing in the morning with my coffee I felt buzzed enough to mess up my day. I'm retired so not a big deal but it would scatter my thoughts and maybe feel a bit hyper but with no direction so even the little I might have accomplished that day most likely won't get done.

Along with some 'shrooms I scored a milligram scale off amazon for less that $25 to be able to weigh down to 0.001g and settled on 50mg/0.050g for my doses. Just enough to feel like I slammed back a couple espressos. Felt motivated and cheerful and actually got shit done. Did a few short runs for a few months and felt great. Quit boozing which has been another positive thing that helps my mood in 2 ways. It stopped the depressive effect I would feel for over a week after a 3 day drunk at home and it made me feel better about myself which is always a mood lifter.

Going to the city 2 hours away tomorrow for a brain scan to check for MS and will be picking up some Lion's Mane mushrooms and vit. B3 to make some caps in one of the methods mentioned in the link. Even gov'ts are starting to allow psychedelics like 'shrooms to be researched for their positive effects on human mental health so it's not just Pie-In-The-Sky bro-science.

If you do go on an anti-depressant don't let them give you Cymbalta. I know 3 people that used that crap. One tried to commit suicide and damn near succeeded. One had to go to the hospital for two weeks to be weaned off and the 3rd went thru hell every time he couldn't afford a refill so finally said fuggit and stayed off them. Real nasty shit for a lot of people so you should google any drug you are offered and find some actual patient reports. Don't rely on pharma sites like WebMD and their ilk. They're all in the pocket of big pharma. Not unlike Dr. Oz the f'n shill loser. lol

I'm 68 now and am not taking any pharma drugs at all. Low blood pressure, low weight, all my hair, most of my teeth and wake up every morning ready to rock like a man half my age does! ;)

Good luck!

You’re better off talking to a psychiatrist than a weed growing message forum.

I’ve been prescribed several on and off for the past decade. None really do much to help, I’ve tried talk therapy too, but my provider is the VA so I’m lucky if I can see a therapist 3-4 times a year.

ended up deciding on a Kratom habit, it helps a little bit but I’m still battling suicidal thoughts way to regularly. Mfs just pop in my head like “I should kms” then I finish the thought with”one day” or “but not today” it’s fucking exhausting.

I’m honestly surprised I’ve lasted this long, my brains been doing this shit since I was 9 and I’m 40 now, it doesn’t necessarily get better, but it does get more manageable.