Can someone tell me whats up with my new LED ??


Well-Known Member
I just got the sommabich this morning.
when I plug it in and test it for about 10mins, I notice two red LED's are significantly less bright than the others on the board.
does anyone know what the deal is?



Mak'er Grow

Well-Known Member
Prob infrared LEDs...human eye can't see it.
Check manufacturers website see if they list a similar note on their page about "2 LEDs will appear to not be working, but are working" or some will describe what each diode is in the light.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, they are infrared. I've got 5 of those on each blurple I'm using. The bulbs look like they are busted but they are emitting invisible infrared light.
right on. Thank you.
I figured it was a problem on my end. I'm still learning how to use LED's efficiently