can someone please tell me what is


can someone please tell me what is the more quieter of the grow room fans to use in your grow room? Because im thinking of buying one real soon for the purpose of odor and heat using this new 1000 watter i step up to from my last grow.I was trying to eliminate the need to have to use a silencer


Well-Known Member
How hot is hot? You're the one who knows your room size and how much can be heard away from it. Count on buying the silencer if there is one. Or on building an isolation box for it.


my room gets to about 95 or 100 now with the 1000 but it used to get between 75 or 80 with the 600 i had.The room is upstairs in an extra room but just thought it would be real noisy to hear it down stairs


Active Member
I just posted this somewhere else. I've used a bunch of 8" brands. Valueline sucked, was loud and died. Hurricane was better built but very loud.

I use Hydrofarm fans now. Vortex fans cost more but I've never heard a bad thing about them. I liked my 8" Hydrofarm so much that I bought another one.



Well-Known Member
is that hydrofarm fan small and powerful? i wanna hook up a small fan to a diy air cone car-fliter carbon charchol


Active Member
get the biggest best fan you can get...if you go cheap you end up down a fan in the middle of the day and could fry your get what you pay for so at least pay for peace of mind....peace