Can someone please help me?


My plant started to flower two weeks ago, upon going to check up on her today, I noticed what appears to be powdery mildew on some of the lower leaves. Also some of the leaves were turning yellow, not just the lower leaves but also some of the older fan leaves. Some even had brown spots starting on the tip leading to the sides. I was wondering if someone can tell me what nutrient the plant is deficient in, and I also was wondering if I just removed all leaves that had the powdery mildew if that would resolve the problem, I dont want to be spraying the plant with newly developed buds with any type of fungicide. I'm going to upload a pic so you guys can have a look.


Po boy

Well-Known Member
it does look like pm. remove leaves immediately surrounding the infected area and burn or put in a plastic baggy and get rid of them. if it gets worse try to get some Serenade organic fungicide. GL


Well-Known Member
Make sure you keep feeding some nitrogen and don't spike your P&K levels too much. For PM in flower I like diluted H2O2 sprays, Green Cure, and Actinovate. All organic safe if you don't flood your soil with the H2O2 or Green Cure. Treat them and keep treating them the rest of your season. It will keep coming back at you.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Yellowing? Next time do not change from veg to bloom nutes until week 3 AFTER the lighting time change!

Too much P&K too early......Boost your N to slow that down...

Good luck