Can someone help me with The most basic growroom setup?


Active Member
I've been roaming around and reading alot lately and thinking about starting my first grow... this is everything that i think i need so far
Light timer - where is the cheapest i can some of these?
Lights - what is the cheapest lighting (like lowest watts - to like decent wattage)i needed say to grow around 2-3 plants just for experiementing with?
I know that when creating my growroom.. i should probably place reflective material afround the room.. where would i purchase some stuff like that? Also after germinating the seeds where can i buy rock wool cubes at? Oh and if i go to a home garden store can i find all of this stuff there?? or would it be cheaper to seek the items seperately on the internet? Also... i would need to buy a fan of some sort right? would a semi cheap fan work? and does it need to act is like a suction rather then a blowing? Where would i find such a fan? Also after how many days/weeds should i wait till i start nuting the plants? what kind of nuits? i know the lighting works on a 18//6 cycle, i can do that with the timer... and then if memory serves me correctly once i get close to harvest time...(which is after how many weeks?) i turn the cycle to a 12//12. This is all off the top of my head... oh and would i need a totally seperate place that is purely pitch dark ?? and is that for "purely budding the plants"?? and that would be a 12/12 cycle?? or is that room just dark? wow im sorry this is alot of questions but im glad i remembered so much... hmm oh and it would be a bitch to water them without some sort of hydroponics system huh?? how often would i need to water the plants especially in the early stages of growth like after transporting to a cube of soil? i know i could read the stickys more and all that but if i could have some of these questions answered directly i'd appreciate it greatly!. I have done my fair share of reading and im just trying to clarify some things. thank you all for any help you provide!! =).
im not as worried about harvesting right now im just trying to get the setup going and sprout some plants... as i get closer to say harvest id definately research alot more specifically about harvesting.:weed: Oh and one last question how do i know when to transpant from the cube of soil to some sort of larger pot?


Well-Known Member
Check out the FAQ at the top of the page. Find a local hydro shop and pick the guys brain for a while