can someone explain how this system works exactly?


can someone explain how this system works exactly?

i am growing in dirt for now but eventually wanna do this but dont understand how it works and such

i really like how its set up but have a few ?s

in general how would a thing like this work? from start to finish?

i understand the whole net pot thing and such but do u start from seed?

how often would i have to replace the water in a thing like this?

do i just add nutrients to the water itself?

do i need to put an air bubbler down at the bottum?

is the plant cycle the same in aeroponics or is it faster or slower?

and shit just like i said from start to finish how the hell do i work this thing lol

thx yall

i also tryed to look this shit up but just a bunc of random ass shit came up so ya lol help please



Well-Known Member
NWA, could you use this start to finish? Yes. Really tall plants? Not so much. I start my seeds in rockwool cubes other hydro growers use other stuff. The system is really set up for clones, take some cuttings from the soil grow that you have going. The neoprene lids will hold the cuttings in place while it grows roots, no nutes here. I change out the water every week-10 days. The nutes get mixed in with the water, take out the top part of the system, dump the old stuff, clean it out, new water and nutes, ph the mix, put the top back on. You don't need bubbles in this system. Aero is generally faster than a soil grow. I would run this on a cycle timer, they are $65. It runs the pump for a minute and then off for 5 minutes. There are several options shown based on the size of the plants. Clone, veg, flower. Since the lids and pots are interchangeable you can move everything around if you have more than one. I am not an expert but, that is my experience. Keep everything really clean and have some fun with your grow.


NWA, could you use this start to finish? Yes. Really tall plants? Not so much. I start my seeds in rockwool cubes other hydro growers use other stuff. The system is really set up for clones, take some cuttings from the soil grow that you have going. The neoprene lids will hold the cuttings in place while it grows roots, no nutes here. I change out the water every week-10 days. The nutes get mixed in with the water, take out the top part of the system, dump the old stuff, clean it out, new water and nutes, ph the mix, put the top back on. You don't need bubbles in this system. Aero is generally faster than a soil grow. I would run this on a cycle timer, they are $65. It runs the pump for a minute and then off for 5 minutes. There are several options shown based on the size of the plants. Clone, veg, flower. Since the lids and pots are interchangeable you can move everything around if you have more than one. I am not an expert but, that is my experience. Keep everything really clean and have some fun with your grow.

ok so what your sayin is start the seed in rockwool tubes then put it in this system?

and then once a week change out the water and nutes and check the ph?

do u use nutes the whole time or do i stop once they start to flower and what not or when do u stop doing nutes?

would it help if i put a bubbler in there tho? i know bubblers keep water very fresh?

is the light cycle the same as soil or would it be different?

i will be doing it from seed everytime im doing this in my attic and have to be really stealth so no room for clones

thx for the info man i was really lost on this shit i understand soil much better haha but i like the aeroponic idea lol

and dude any other info or suggestions or advice would really be appriciated thx bro

cowboy out!


Well-Known Member
NWA, I keep new ones in the cubes until I see roots growing out, put hydroton or viastone in so the rockwool is below the surface, put the neoprene on the top of the pot. I check the ph during the week, if it changes I adjust it. There are several options for nutes but the flower and veg are different, you will need both. Adding bubbles won't hurt, it's just not necessary, at least that's my opinion. You will want to stop the flower nutes prior to harvest and run some flush or just water to get the chems out of the plants. The light cycle is the same, if you use 18/6 and 12/12 and it works for you, stick with it. Pay attention to what is going on, you will learn tons on the fist attempt and make some mistakes. That's OK just try not to repeat them. There are people who know a great deal more about this than I do and they are a great resource. Get out of the General Forum and into the Hydro Forum and do some reading. It's always better to learn from someone else's mistakes. People here are not to proud to share their failures. Once again, keep everything really clean and have some fun with it.

Illegal Smile

NWA, No disrespect here, but I think you would be well served by doing some reading on dwc in general before buying or building anything. This system is really and aero/dwc hybrid as most of what is called aero is. The roots are sprayed but soon they get into the water and it is basically dwc. But you have a lot of basic hydro questions that apply to any system. I think you might be better to start with simple dwc, and yes you need bubbles. As for nutes it is best to pick a good hydro product then follow their feeding schedule. Reading the link below may give you some insight.


Well-Known Member
Illegal Smile, please correct me if I am wrong (and I'm not being a smartass) that is a true aero system. That top container with the drain holes prevents the roots from getting into the water and it's fed by the spray only. No need for bubble in a true aero setup.

Illegal Smile

Illegal Smile, please correct me if I am wrong (and I'm not being a smartass) that is a true aero system. That top container with the drain holes prevents the roots from getting into the water and it's fed by the spray only. No need for bubble in a true aero setup.
You're right and I'm wrong. So many of the systems called aero are really hybrids, this one is not. So, no bubbles needed but I agree that a hydro first timer should start with something less challenging than this.


man guys thx for the help! this is some awesome info! i did go to the hydroponics page but theres just so much to look threw theres not a sticky with like the basics of hydroponics at least i didnt see it and if its there then im a dumbass and didnt see it lol

wow this is really counted as a hard system? it looks so simple even after yall described what to do lol i wanna end up doin this one eventually but this will not be for a while im first gunna grow in a pcgrowbox due to not having an attic yet i plan ahead so i get things right the first time thats why im finding info now!

do yall know a thread that will teach basic hydro/aeroponics?

and do you have a good thread on dwc system?

thx alot tho yall i appriciate you answerin this noobs ?s lol

thx again and any other info or advice would be great! peace!