can smoking weed make you stupid?


Active Member
can smoking weed make you stupid or have any effect on lowering you smartness?

Im really high nd watching the dark knight


Well-Known Member
the only thing that makes u stupid is urself.. so if u dont broaden ur mind then ur gona be a moron.. so smoke weed and make sure to branch on ideas


Well-Known Member
Would be nice if it killed off the slow stupid brain cells to make room for the smarter faster ones... LOL

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
I think smoking to much of that indica will "make you stupid", more so my humble opinion is indica makes you lazy. Cause of this you end up having a great time doing absolutely nothing(aka couch lock), mad video games and boring ass shit. You'd rather get head, then fuck because fucking involves you moving from the current spot your in.
Maybe its just me, maybe im lazy and stupid.

Dont get me wrong I love doing it, but indica isn't really my favorite. Sativa I can play guitar, i can fuck and i can chill not looking half dead.

I think it might be me but thats why its my humble opinion


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt say weed makes you stupid but more of the term "shot-out"
like me being a constant marijuana smoker for 10 years i dont feel stupid but i can feel that my brain is shot the fuck out
and the proof of that is us stoners dont do as many stupid things as much as shot out things like me for example...always forgetting everything, losing my remote every minute , accidentaly putting ketchup in my coffee you know shit like that

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
i wouldnt say weed makes you stupid but more of the term "shot-out"
like me being a constant marijuana smoker for 10 years i dont feel stupid but i can feel that my brain is shot the fuck out
and the proof of that is us stoners dont do as many stupid things as much as shot out things like me for example...always forgetting everything, losing my remote every minute , accidentaly putting ketchup in my coffee you know shit like that
Isn't it 'burnt-out' or just 'shot' now

Skate Hawaii

Well-Known Member
i took my SAT's last year without smoking for months than i started smoking again, took the SAT's and I got a way lower score.


Well-Known Member
Last night someone told me that I was "smoking myself retarded" I was actually going to ask if lady jane can cause brain damage and I found your post.

I think it has killed my short term memory...or maybe it was always bad.


Well-Known Member
Last night someone told me that I was "smoking myself retarded" I was actually going to ask if lady jane can cause brain damage and I found your post.

I think it has killed my short term memory...or maybe it was always bad.
if we have no short term memory how does it ever turn into long term this has always bothered me..hell ill forget about it in a second anyways lol :bigjoint:


New Member
I don't think smoking weed makes anyone stupid. It might make them to lazy to study, or get things done. People who are stupid after smoking weed were generally stupid before smoking weed.