Can smoking weed cure swine flu?


can smoking weed help prevent from getting infected by swine flu? can anyone know? if so.... please post your fact!!


New Member
There are opponents of medical marijuana that say stoners believe "it is good for all kinds of things just so they can get high".

Some say "yes" to all of the above.

The government studies that I am aware of that seemed to indicate immunosuppression I believe were in a way flawed.

They put immune cells in a petri dish and bathed them in honey oil.

Guess what happened.


Well-Known Member
Smoking weed on the level most of us do is not good, but if you regulated it those benefits could be seen without any negatives in your health.


New Member
I just put a turkey bag over my bacon skillet.

The world's first pig ass vaporizer.

Oh yeah.

Please distribute your cooties is a call to action if you believe your cooties to be unreal.


a little article i found

"Endocannabinoids are nature's way of controlling TNF activity. Existing peer reviewed publications have shown that phytocannabinoids can prevent this cell death by mimicking the endocannabinoids that nature has selected to prevent excessive inflammatory immune responses."
Dr. Melamede, who is also a researcher and past Chairman of the Biology Department at the University of Colorado Springs (UCCS), cautioned, "Smoked marijuana will not effectively prevent the excessive inflammatory response, despite delivering the beneficial pharmacological agents, due to the irritating, pro-inflammatory nature of smoke. In fact, I believe it will make things worse and should be avoided by infected individuals."

Mr. Kubby added, "If a swine or bird flu pandemic emerges -- and everyone seems to think that it is just a matter of when, not if --, there is simply no time for the usual bureaucratic process. With emergency government approval, we can legally access the huge supply of medical cannabis available in California to produce millions of life saving doses within a relatively short period of time."

Dr. Melamede furthermore stated, "Based upon recent discoveries regarding the role that endocannabinoid system plays in maintaining human health, we have a unique solution to the looming threat posed by deadly influenza strains that we believe, if implemented, could save millions of lives. We will strive for an emergency review of our cannabis extract-based lozenge because we believe its availability will prevent many of the deaths associated with the hyper-inflammatory response associated with known lethal strains of the influenza virus. Current anti-influenza medications have a demonstrated decreased effectiveness against some of these lethal variants. Mankind cannot wait for the emergency situation to materialize. We must be proactive in gaining the necessary governmental approvals to test, and pending the outcome of our studies, produce our lozenge."

It's a well known fact that cannabis is an anti-inflammatory,the virus causes the lungs to swell and the patient can die from asphyxiation.......
so if taken thru a vaporizer or ingested it could possibly work??
just my opinion....:)