Can plants grow in shaded area?


Can they? I have a spot were nobody could find but the only problem is that it'll never get direct sunlight.:dunce: I plan on growing some autos their.


Well-Known Member
Not small, Just Not so frigging Dense you could load a sling shot and knock people out form 20 yards.
Discreet is the point.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I constructed a 4' x 4' x 8' high outside grow room painted white on the inside. I had a piece of plywood over the top that I opened in the morning and closed at night. These plants never recieved direct sunlight. I got some very large buds in organics. These were not autos. Even on a moderately cloudy day the sun gives off more lumens than a 1000w/hps.


Well-Known Member
The time and effort will not pay off in bud if you plant in a place that does not get direct sunlight. Buy a chainsaw and make light. Very simple to do. The money you spent on a chainsaw will get back to you in form of weight. I do not reccomend shade planting earth,water and sun are ALL needed for fun.


Ok I just found a seed that I lost back in august. It still looks viable. It's been so long that I forgot what strain it is. I'll take a pic!!!


Yeah, I'll probably grow one next to my lemon tree. It'll get at least 10 hours of light at this time of the year. If I just wait until spring all the shaded areas will receive 13+ hours of direct sunlight probably, but I'm too impatient. Hope I get my seeds soon though.


Active Member
The time and effort will not pay off in bud if you plant in a place that does not get direct sunlight. Buy a chainsaw and make light. Very simple to do. The money you spent on a chainsaw will get back to you in form of weight. I do not reccomend shade planting earth,water and sun are ALL needed for fun.
going into a forest with a chainsaw is the stupidest thing I ever heard, especially if your Illegal grower. your gonna draw so much attention. If i ever saw someone going into a forest with a chainsaw their WHOLE crop would be mine hands down.

Get a small hand saw/ hatchet and pack it into a hiking bag, take that with you to take down trees.
it makes much less noise, and can easily be brought into your grow spot stealthily. a hatchet cutting down a tree can only be heard over a short distance, a chainsaw will alert your whole city ahaha, not literally but anyone around you.


Active Member
In Nova Scotia most outside growers plant in areas where it's shaded in the morning.
Your information is bullshit, by "most" u probably mean u and ur little friends eh?

dont listen to this information, the first 4hours of sunlight a day is the most beneficial to plants. morning sun is the best!! if you had to choose between evening or morning sun, any experienced grower would choose morning.


Active Member
Yeah, I'll probably grow one next to my lemon tree. It'll get at least 10 hours of light at this time of the year. If I just wait until spring all the shaded areas will receive 13+ hours of direct sunlight probably, but I'm too impatient. Hope I get my seeds soon though.
anything around 4hours of direct sunlight a day will grow a plant. the more light you get ontop of that will result in higher yields and denser bud. but a plant can survive with 4h of direct sun/ I prefer to give them atleast 8h though IMO.

The lemon tree will help your plant blend in aswell. good idea


Active Member
And when I say small, I don't mean compact. I mean small and spindly and weak and sad.
if they grow at all. i doubt they will grow past 6" without any kind of light penetration. they need some light breaks to grow small and spindly ahaha.
but yeh for the most part you are correct.


Well-Known Member
i remember watching the gorge cervantes outdoor grow dvd and he says u want atleast 5 hours of direct sun light to grow some dank outdoors! sure it will work in the shade,but ur plants will most likely strech out and grow airy fluffy buds... kid that mentiond the hand saw or hatchet is smart,dont use a chainsaw dude thats just dumb!.