Can i use white vinegar to lower ph in water?


Active Member
Vinegar? can i do that? i seem to hear conflicting things?
do peat granules work?

also there 15 days old, before realizing the importance of ph levels i was feeding them my tap water (since i have tested at 7.0) for the first day, then i collected rain water which i used up in about a week, and now can't test, followed by pond water "spring fed" (apparently only good for making beer) which i have now tested at 7.8.

i have 2 150 watt hps with a fan blowing on, about 8" from the lights, now the plants starting to show yellowing, and leaf curling. (although this is my first indoor grow) i believe that i have severely stunted there growth, in your opinion should i redo? or let them finish there 3 week veg?
in soil never fertilized.


Active Member
You can use distilled white vin in a pinch. when you get time head to the grow shop and pick up some ph down...its only like $10


Well-Known Member
or you could find a local pool supply store, they carry ph up and down in powder form, it can be pritty strong, so I make a solution of 1/4 teasp to 12 oz of h2o and use that for lowering my ph


New Member
I personally would use 5% Apple Cider Vinegar like Bragg organic unfiltered! But it can't really lower a 7.8 ph to a 6.0 without using a ton. The vinegar is really good for tweaking your ph, not for making big adjustments. If you started with distilled water or rain water and added a couple ounces of apple cider vinegar per gallon, you would get a nicely Ph'd mix! Plus there's amino acids and other micronutrients inside!

I like to add a several ounces of this to my compost teas, too!

I've also had success with sulphur granules in the soil mix to lower Ph! This actually worked quite well for me!!

The most acidic example is Battery(sulphuric) acid available from most autoparts stores. The formula I read about was 1 cup sulphuric acid to a gallon of distilled water - 1 cup removed for the acid. Cost is less than $1 a gallon compared to $10-12 at a hydro store. The next tier down(less acidic) is Lemon juice and followed by vinegar. I don't know what the mixture ratio would be, but I imagine more than a cup per gallon. I'd rather deal with the vinegar or lemon juice personally, but it all comes down to availability and cost. I just found that my tap water is pushing 8 on the alkalinity scale! I am about to play around with some white vinegar and see if I can get this under control. I have seedlings and I need them to get to the veg stage so I can breathe again. lol.