Can i use my propane salamander for quick burns to get CO2


or is a waste of time till i get proper CO2 equipment. Im home alot and figured if it would help I would flip the switch for a few minute burns a couple times a day.(monitored burns)


whats your thought about different strains in the same bloom room,for instance i have diesel,widow,ice,plat cush in the same 12/12 room any thoughts?


Active Member
It wont matter. U can mix as many strains as u want as long as u dont mix males and females together.

Yeah Right

Active Member
I'm a noob, but I'm running 3 strains. It's kind of a pain as they all like different water or nutrient levels. But if you can keep up and read all your plants you should be fine. Differing flower times would kill me as I'm currently forced to dry in the same room.