Can i use a general fertilizer in DWC ?


Active Member
I am new to this, but I was just wondering if I could use a 20-20-20 "all purpose" nutrient mix (water soluble powder crystals) fertilizer in my DWC setup. Bought from Walmart.

Can I use this to grow veg until my order of Fox Farm trio comes in?


Ban Drown

i tried it a couple years back when i first started hydro and it didnt work, i used a warer soluble mixture like yourself, i wouldnt recomend it, just wait for the foxfarms to arrive

Hope i helped.


Well-Known Member
Cheap fertilizers like Miracle Grow or Peters do not work for hydroponics for a couple of reasons, one they are not complete fertilizers, you will have micro nutrient deficiencies. They are the wrong form of nitrogen. Hydroponics use immediately available nitrate nitrogen.