Can I use a 400W HPS Bulb during Vegging a Flowering?


Active Member
Yes you can but it will cause stretching and internoding so I would try to get some of the blue end of the spectrum in their with some CFL's 2700k-3500K. But to answer your question you can for sure just make sure if they are clones or seedlings you have them a good 3 1/2 to 4 feet from the light.
I am a novice but from all the reading I have been doing I am pretty sure what I said is right.
Please people correct me if I am wrong.



Active Member
I would say yes if they are the right spectrum. You are looking for the ones that put off more of a blue light than an orange.


stays relevant.
I would say that a 400W HPS is much more beneficial than using 2 100W CFLs in the vegetative growth cycle.


Active Member
**** From my previous post the first one. 2700K-3500K is not what you want. Sorry You want the higher 6500K they are the blue spectrum and most of the time called Daylight on the package. Again I am sorry but I just checked and this is the right info


Active Member

I would wait for more info because like I said I am a novice and from looking at GrowTech's Journal he knows more than me. Just trying to put in what I have read.



Well-Known Member
You are in a better situation than me. I have a 400 MH I have to use for flowering. CFL is the way to go to veg, depending on how many plants you are growing---you can also use the 4' shoplights. I am vegging under two shoplights and will flower under the 400MH. If you veg under CFL and then put them under the HPS to flower they will EXPLODE!!!!


stays relevant.
You are in a better situation than me. I have a 400 MH I have to use for flowering. CFL is the way to go to veg, depending on how many plants you are growing---you can also use the 4' shoplights. I am vegging under two shoplights and will flower under the 400MH. If you veg under CFL and then put them under the HPS to flower they will EXPLODE!!!!

I find that MH is the best to veg under... Why would you not complete the entire cycle with the MH? MH is excellent for vegging, and it is said that the light from an MH produces more resin during flowering which is not really a bad thing.


Well-Known Member
I used to use a hps for both vegging and flowering , It works perfect ...
Then i found it cost to much money to run it 24/0 so i got a lot of cfls 400w* and they do the job just as good only cost less to run


Well-Known Member
I find that MH is the best to veg under... Why would you not complete the entire cycle with the MH? MH is excellent for vegging, and it is said that the light from an MH produces more resin during flowering which is not really a bad thing.

What is a MH, Where can I buy one, And what are they used for.


Well-Known Member
bongsmilieI think if one only has one HID light, the best route is to veg under floro. Of course, IDEALLY it is best to veg under MH & flower under HPS. I think once the plants hit any HID light in flowering they love it.bongsmiliebongsmilie
im veggin right now using a 400 hps and floros u can use a mh but hps is better if u have a cool tube u can put ur 400 watt within inches of ur tops no problem i might get a 250 or 150 hps to veg because it has more lumens than an mh (more lumens more plant growth more yeild)so i can just use my 400 to bud and keep it on for just 12 hours because using it for 24 or 18 hours is alot of money in the states a 400 adds an extra 47 dollars on my elec bill every month so i rather run a 250 or 150 for 18 hours


stays relevant.
What is a MH, Where can I buy one, And what are they used for.
Metal Halide systems can be purchased at as well as conversion bulbs if you want to run MH from your HPS system, and you could also purchase MH conversion bulbs from 400w HPS-MH conversion bulb 1000w HPS-MH conversion bulb

They cost a bit, but it's either 1 system 2 light, or 2 systems, 2 lights.

MH is what I consider to be top notch for vegetative growth.


stays relevant.
So am I better off using a 400W HPS during Veg and Flowering?
Yes, rather than using your 2 CFL bulbs.

You might consider purchasing a MH conversion bulb though, it will provide you at least 2-3 vegetative cycles, and you can decide later if you want to continue with MH, HPS, or Flouro for your vegetative cycles.


Active Member
nuffin, the more i read the more easier growing sounds!

ill just settle for 1 400hps for my first plant. i need to experience this thing called 'trial and error' [=


Well-Known Member
if its your only choice ther is nothing wrong with vegging under hps as GrowTech has suggested .... however you can purchase a metal halide conversion bulb also as GrowTech has suggested which will screw in and run flawlessly in your hps lighting system which will be better for vegging than the hps would be
but again if all you have is an HPS your plants will veg fine under it