Can I raise my soil pH by increasing how much pH up I add to my water?


Active Member
Can I raise my soil pH by increasing how much pH up I add to my water? Say I have a soil pH of 5.8, and I want it to be 6.2, how would I go about doing this?
Everything I research on this just tells me to use ammendments to adjust my soil pH. Not interested in lime and all that other crap.
Over time and depending on what's in your soil, yes. But why would you not wanna just add some lime?
I hear that lime easily throws off pH. I've seen other growers have pH lockout issues constantly when using it. Besides, I don't want a "you should have done this" type of thing when I can just as easily have a "just adjust your pH by ___ for 2 waterings" kind of thing ready in my back pocket.
If you are going to use pH drops be very careful,, just two or three drops will change a few litres quite quickly
Experiment with basic water first you'll soon get the idea
It's harder for a plant to uptake Magnesium and Phosphorus at pH 5.8 in soil and soilless (dirt & peat based) mixes. For example, only 44% of the Magnesium that is in the soil is available to a plant at pH 5.8 in soil and soilless (dirt & peat based) mixes, Whereas at just pH 0.2 higher, pH 6.0, 77% of the Magnesium that is in the soil is available to a plant!
It's harder for a plant to uptake Magnesium and Phosphorus at pH 5.8 in soil and soilless (dirt & peat based) mixes. For example, only 44% of the Magnesium that is in the soil is available to a plant at pH 5.8 in soil and soilless (dirt & peat based) mixes, Whereas at just pH 0.2 higher, pH 6.0, 77% of the Magnesium that is in the soil is available to a plant!
Why do than the plants thrive in new fresh mix which is 5,5 out of bale?