Can i get some help?? Looking for a strain.

Hey growers!!! So I have been sitting back seeing all types of strains. And its amazing!!!! And I came across the strains that are linked to Africa. And I'm wondering is there a list of ALL those strains. I'm thinking of a project of crossbreeding but I want to research all African strains. Thanks guys!!!!
Hey growers!!! So I have been sitting back seeing all types of strains. And its amazing!!!! And I came across the strains that are linked to Africa. And I'm wondering is there a list of ALL those strains. I'm thinking of a project of crossbreeding but I want to research all African strains. Thanks guys!!!!
I know there is a place that is selling some Durban seeds that came from Durban recently and they are supposed to have that really nice Anise smell that the original Durban was famous for. I can't remember who it was though that was selling them, but that's one you might look into, it's supposed to be a true land race and it's a little longer growth cycle than the Dutch Passion/Hazeman plants. The Malawi gets used in breeding fairly often too and is supposed to be nice. I believe the "tibet" or "actual Sativa" on that list is also supposed to be high in THCV the way that Durban is. Could be bro lore though, not sure. THCV could be one of those, next best things (that's been around forever, lol)