can I get some final input? i have couple plant height questions too...

Hey this is my first time growing without a person to help me everyday haha, so I was wondering if you could help me answer some final questions and just give me your overall input on this.

Since I don't have too much experience I was not sure what height restrictions would be in general. (I know it depends on what strain and when you flower but just look over what I have below and if you could help that would be great)

Setup Lights and Space:
Room - 3'x8'x8'
Lights - 1 600watt HPS/MH w/Lightmover
Strains are going to be mostly Indica/Indica Dominant
All organic.

With the heights below I hope I'm correct, if you think something would be higher or shorter please let me know so I can think it over before I get this ball rolling.

So here are my height restrictions: I start out with 94''~96''
-18'' for the actual light and reflector
-18'' for canopy vs. Light distance
-6'' raised floor(ventilation
-24'' for pots
28''~30'' for plant height.

Here are my two options-

1. Grow 12 topped plants to 22'' then use Hobbes method of CCOB found here (this is also a good guide if you haven't seen it already)

2. Grow 12 plants the regular way. By this I mean to about 12'' -14'' and then flower and maybe some LST.

The reason I'm not too sure about doing the CCOB is that I don't want to kill my plants if I screw up, but I am pulled in by the yield you can get....

And I'm not sure about the other method because I've done it before and I think it would get a little hectic in the room with only 30'' vertical for the plants.

I know that these questions are the kind I have to just go grow to answer, but after getting everything done and almost starting I figured why not ask RIU my last couple of questions if I have it as an available resource, and because I love getting different thoughts on a situation. Thank you.:-o


Well-Known Member
Damn man, I'm shocked that 8' of vertical space has been reduced to less than 3'.

Can't you find some pots that are shorter? Another foot of vertical space would do you alot of good, my 3 gallon pots are less than 12" tall...
Yeah I don't think the pots will be THAT tall, but I don't like estimating too exact and then end up with a tinier amount in the end. And thats why I said I love anyones input, because I don't know what some things have to be, like the light- I won't REALLY know until I set it up and use different pausing times to adjust for heat at the ends also...

So anything that you would change is welcome, Also, how tall are 5 gallon buckets normally? I just used 2 feet as a good guesstimate.


Well-Known Member
Your standard 5 gallon round nursery posts are still less than 12" tall. Maybe someone else will stop by and elaborate, but I'm thinking what is the point of 5 gallon containers to grow a plant only 2-3 feet tall? I know you're looking at training, but still...
Yeah, see I don't really know much about pot size vs. height, and I'm still reading up on it and I can't really find any good info. The person I asked used 5 gallon pots for this.

Did you check out the CCOB thread by Hobbes? It would give you basically an overview of what I hope to setup, nowhere near the yields he gets, but the same basic setup with the CCOB method.

I'm going to buy all I need to vary it tomorrow, So i should be done building it and have some kind of pictures to upload so it's not a shot in the dark for all of you trying to picture this on my words alone.


Well-Known Member
get a cool shade and you will gain another foot in space by getting the light within 6" of canopy.


Well-Known Member
I think the CCOB will be a good way to go man. You'll get much more yeild and much better lighting to the canopy.