Can I get around heating pad auto-shutoff?


Active Member
I'd like to use an old heating pad for a cloning root mat. Commercial versions are $30-40 near me - generally affordable except I'm saving every penny I can for an HPS/MH light.

My questions are:

1.) The pad has an auto shut-off on a 30-min timer. Can I bypass this by opening the control panel and snipping a few wires? Or just cutting the controls out of the wire completely (if this works, will it make the pad operate at max temp?)

2.) Can I splice the pad into a wire with less voltage to act as a temperature dimmer (as I do with my 12v fan into a 6v adapter)?

If I can bypass the auto-shutoff, I may not need step 2, as the low setting is low enough to be safe for the plants. If bypassing the shutoff causes the pad to operate at max 24/7, I will obviously need to lower the temp.


Well-Known Member
Why do you need to bypass the shutoff? Most heating pads will turn back on when the temp drops below the low setting. I have used mine for germinating with no problems.


Well-Known Member
Have u thought about cfl lights as a cheaper alternative to HID lights? Get a clip light with a Y adapter and u can put 2 bulbs in each light, u can even get some larger watt cfl bulbs like 125w from hydro shops for around $40 I think, and I've seen like some 105w bulbs for like $26 online and u could do a combo of 5500k and 2700k lights or sumptin. Well I guess that all depends on how many plants u intend on growing whether or not u can use cfl lights.


Active Member
I'm using CFLs for veg, and they work just fine, but I would like to have a 250w or 400w for my flowering box. I use the y adapters also.


Active Member
Cindy -

The shutoff is on a timer instead of being temp-related. I would have to manually reset it every 30 min.


Well-Known Member
I personally would not bypass the auto off. it's there so the pad will not run 24/7 avoiding the chance of overheating and could cause problems such as fire. Better to take colonuggs advise and seach the net to find an inexpensive one.


Sector 5 Moderator
Just buy a seed mat and be done with it. They are only $30 and you won't have to worry about burning down your house, and you'll have great results sprouting your seeds and getting your plants off to a jump start.


Active Member
5 dollar timer to turn off power every 30 minutes and right back on. Just like unplugging it to reset.


Well-Known Member
I would think if u had a cord with just a basic on off switch u could cut the power cord of ur heating pad and splice together the cord with the basic on off switch in place of the timer switch should work. Like even an old lamp cord with one of those switches where u turn that lil wheel in the middle of the switch thingie.