Thank you for the reply. Well if I flower her indoors. I have a 32x32x60 tent but I only have a 150 watt hps. I was thinking of a scrog grow. I could just let her stay outdoors.You didn't tell us what size light she will be under so we can't advise on if it is a great size but you can flip into flower whenever you want. Although I'd wait until her leafs turn toward the light indicating she has recovering from the lst then I'd flip her. If she is nonresponsive because you just transplanted then wait until she responds because right now she is building a root system. Let her stabilize from whatever you have done basically.
Please understand I am NOT trolling or trying to be insulting with this statement...I have seen you posting in this forum for a while now. Most of the questions asked have been asked and answered many times over on RIU...I am not suggesting that you are lazy or anything with a negative tone...What I AM suggesting is to do some reading and learning...and remember the search tool is your friend.Thank you for the reply. Well if I flower her indoors. I have a 32x32x60 tent but I only have a 150 watt hps. I was thinking of a scrog grow. I could just let her stay outdoors.