can i do wet dry period throughout my whole grow

form the sprouting period to the budding period could i just water it till water runs out the bottom then dont water till soils bone dry then repeat


Well-Known Member
yeah you kinda have it right, during veg i water 1 every 3 days say,,I thought you ment wet/dry as in for veg have high humidity and then have arid(dry) for flower,,cause thats what I do.
But on your watering front I actually water once a week in wee 3inch pots, then like i say bout once every 3 days in 3 gallon pots,,and so on.
However there is no such set way to water as different strains seem to use different amounts of water, and every environmental factor affects how much water a plant uses, a good way is when you transplant feel the weight of the pot with fresh damp soil,, and when it gets light water. Like i say many different ways,, a tip is to add a drop of dish washing soap,the liquid stuff, to the water/nutes as it helps water penetration on dry hard soil.

Dont worry you'll get watering down,,if you are really worried buy a moisture detector/probe and use that. I got one for under£5,dnt know exchange rate or that,,,anyhow take it easy and good luck.


Well-Known Member
form the sprouting period to the budding period could i just water it till water runs out the bottom then dont water till soils bone dry then repeat
Dont let it go bone dry as this creates air pockets that are hard to get rid of and affect the plant.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
It doesn't need to be bone dry. If you try to do that you will surely have at least one plant wilt on you and perhaps die. As the soil dries out, oxygen is able to get to the roots. As long as they are not saturated with water they will be able to breathe. Smart pots and airpots and such will also help this process. I think usually a every 3rd day or every other day watering cycle is good for soil. As the plants roots expand they will need more water more often.