Can I cut or Wait??????????


Well-Known Member
I've been flowering for 8 weeks. 3 indoor Indica's. Unknown strains. My Trichs are around where i want them to be. 70% milky, 20% Clear, 10% Amber. Problem is i read alot where it says also wait until hairs are reddish....I recently just added a 250w hps for the middle of 6th week until now and a lot more growth has come out. Should I wait until more hairs are red or will it matter?

Also about the flush....I flushed a few days ago, should I be flushing each watering or just that one flush was enough and just go back to regular waterings.


Well-Known Member
You have more time grasshopper. Are the pictures of the same plant? The reason why I ask is because the first plant looks closer than the other two pictures. Very nice BTW. Also, I do believe they are Sativa's which would mean you are looking at harvesting anywhere from week 11 till week 14; it all depends on the strain.


Active Member
What is the best ratio of clear, milky and amber trichs please?

One tip - the red hairs might be more visible under normal light - when I checked them with my hps lamp off I was shocked to see how red they were.


Well-Known Member
What is the best ratio of clear, milky and amber trichs please?

One tip - the red hairs might be more visible under normal light - when I checked them with my hps lamp off I was shocked to see how red they were.
It is all personal preference really. I don't use the hairs as a guide at all. I like the approach that fdd has, you will know by how the calyx's swell up and look like they are going to pop.


New Member
besides looking at the trics, the tall white hairs are a little undercooked. they will shrivle some more and the cola will fatten up a little more.

maybe a week? good luck. the plant looks great.


Active Member
It is all personal preference really. I don't use the hairs as a guide at all. I like the approach that fdd has, you will know by how the calyx's swell up and look like they are going to pop.
Thanks - I hope you can tell me a bit more about the various trich ratios so I can pick my preference. Of course I am hoping for the skunkiest buds possible?


New Member
Thanks - I hope you can tell me a bit more about the various trich ratios so I can pick my preference. Of course I am hoping for the skunkiest buds possible?
skunkiest, huh? :-)

actually, a closeup (microscopic) examination of the trics will tell you if they are clear or cloudy or amber in color. clear trics are not mature enough to have potent THC. cloudy has new THC (the cerebral high). amber has mature THC, degrading into CBN and CBD (the stoned, couch-lock high). pick what high you like, and harvest accordingly.

check this out from greenman's grow info:

As the plant matures through its window of harvest its chemistry changes. As the window closes, the more desirable compounds begin breaking down into less desirable ones. Primarily it is THC breaking down in CBNs and CBDs.
Which particular combination of chemicals is the most desirable is purely a matter of taste and choice, developed over time and with experience. Set and setting also play an important role in determining which type of product is best appreciated.

Pleasant head highs are often desirable for social occasions, whereas a narcotic late-window Indica may work better as an evening medicinal herb.


Well-Known Member
yeh flush about 2 weeks before harvest then just give um water a few more times after that,,,,


Well-Known Member
Maybe I am completely wrong here but it just doesn't make much sense to me that you can harvest a plant at different times and get different highs (which are to its fullest potential.) If a plant normally takes 9 weeks to finish, and is genetically known for having a "couch lock" high but you harvest it at 7 weeks (example) to get an "up high" aren't you just harvesting an under developed plant that is not nearly as potent as it has the potential to be? I still believe that it has alot to do with the strain itself and not when you harvest the trichomes. If you grow cheese which is known for knocking your socks off and making you take a nap, but you harvest it early thinking you will have an "up high" IMO all you are doing is harvesting the plant prematurely. Am I wrong here?


New Member
yes, a little bit wrong.

because you're not appreciating the roles that other cannaboids play in getting you high. it's not JUST thc. CBNs and CBDs also get you high, but the psychoactive effect is different then THC. so if you let your plant age to intentionally harvest more of those cannaboids, you will experience a different high.


Well-Known Member
no coz the trics tell you if its ready or not,,,,,,,if its to early to harvest the trics will show you that by being mainly clear etc,,,,,,,,when you buy seeds and it sais it takes 8 weeks to flower for example,thats just a guidline!the way they get that info usually is by vegging a plant under a 400watt mh light for 4weeks in soil and then flower under a hps(indoor strains),plus there grown in the correct inviroment!but not every grower grows in that same way!they might use a more powerful light,the temperature in there room may be different,and the humidity,and they might use different nutes etc,,,so basically when there ready there ready.


Well-Known Member
ya,,,all the same plant. my estimated harvest time was feb 20. that will be nine weeks. my other plant i was planning on keeping for a week or 2 and the third i will be cutting.....


Well-Known Member
yes, a little bit wrong.

because you're not appreciating the roles that other cannaboids play in getting you high. it's not JUST thc. CBNs and CBDs also get you high, but the psychoactive effect is different then THC. so if you let your plant age to intentionally harvest more of those cannaboids, you will experience a different high.
Oh ok, I see your point and it makes sense to me. Thanks for the help.


Well-Known Member
ya,,,all the same plant. my estimated harvest time was feb 20. that will be nine weeks. my other plant i was planning on keeping for a week or 2 and the third i will be cutting.....
They look nice; I am sure you are really going to enjoy them. Good job!


Well-Known Member
they're looking very nice. they are in full flower right now. i'd say 2 to 3 more weeks. all those white hairs are new calyxes that need to ripen and swell. and they will. your buds will double in density.


Well-Known Member
ya.....i cant wait to cut this big ass thing..... the hairs r starting to turn...i would say around 10% now.....after adding the hps the last picture the cola started getting wider....not talller.