Can anyone identify this problem for me please?


New Member
Its been 17 days since it has been planted. Just yesterday they where doing fine, but this morning I woke up to them drooping. Anybody know why or what caused this problem? The leaves are turning white and yellow by the stem.

I've been trying to grow one plant outdoors using the sun as the light source. Recently its been raining a lot and when it starts to rain I move my pot inside the house next to the window for it to get fresh oxygen. I live in a sub tropical region and it rains a lot during the summer. Nights drop to around 55 degrees and highs around 80 during the day. I give it its 12 hours of sunlight from 7am to 7pm. I water it by doing the one inch soil test and also by the weight of the pot. I give it 1 litter of water and it always drains from the bottom pretty good.

But like ive mentioned its been rainy and cloudy the past few days past 2pm for about 2 - 3 times this past week. Could the problem be that the soil isn't drying fast enough because of no light source? It was also already about to grow its 3rd and 4th set of leaves. Was it time to feed it some nutrients? Can I still save the plant?


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