Can anyone help please


hi i got everything started yesterday for the first time at 7am the light came on got it set for 20 hours on 4 off ihave the 300 watt cfl 5 inches away from my seedlings and the lid is off the seeds are in a 1inch rockwool cube in 12/20 x-steram areo ponic propagator even though now its a bit less cos the seedling have shot up nearly 1inch and the roots roots are popping out of the bottom the 1 inch rock wool cube already im just wondering if i should leave the spray on 24/7 in the propagator temp is 78 -83 and humidtiy 32% with fans all on wat do ya think i also put 18ml of rizatonic to 6 litres of water in the propagater and ph'd it to 6 i had the spray on for 1 hour yesterday morning and the rockwool cubes were soaked so i turned the spray off is that good or bad i just put it on for 15 mins this morning and hand fed them a bit tonight whats the crack with 1/4 strenghth and half strength is that just 1/4 strenghth of the recomended dosage on the bottles of nutes.also when lights out comes on at 3-7am in the morning should i turn my intake fan of so it doesnt get cold cos my intake fan is bringing air in straight from outside and i live in the north east of england not the wormest place in the world please can anyone help. im in a grow tent 1.2x2x2m i have a 8 pot bubble ponic system with a 600watt hialide and hps in waiting with a cooltube reflector any help will be huge.


Well-Known Member
1.) paragraphs. make everything easiser to read. i dont NOT want to read througha whole page of things to get to your point.
2.) pictures make a response easier
3.) clear stated question. all i saw was can anyone help. help what? i do NOT want to read your entire post to anser a question.

just me. my advice. dont troll me goddamnit


Active Member
hi i got everything started yesterday for the first time at 7am the light came on got it set for 20 hours on 4 off ihave the 300 watt cfl 5 inches away from my seedlings and the lid is off the seeds are in a 1inch rockwool cube in 12/20 x-steram areo ponic propagator even though now its a bit less cos the seedling have shot up nearly 1inch and the roots roots are popping out of the bottom the 1 inch rock wool cube already im just wondering if i should leave the spray on 24/7 in the propagator temp is 78 -83 and humidtiy 32% with fans all on wat do ya think i also put 18ml of rizatonic to 6 litres of water in the propagater and ph'd it to 6 i had the spray on for 1 hour yesterday morning and the rockwool cubes were soaked so i turned the spray off is that good or bad i just put it on for 15 mins this morning and hand fed them a bit tonight whats the crack with 1/4 strenghth and half strength is that just 1/4 strenghth of the recomended dosage on the bottles of nutes.also when lights out comes on at 3-7am in the morning should i turn my intake fan of so it doesnt get cold cos my intake fan is bringing air in straight from outside and i live in the north east of england not the wormest place in the world please can anyone help. im in a grow tent 1.2x2x2m i have a 8 pot bubble ponic system with a 600watt hialide and hps in waiting with a cooltube reflector any help will be huge.
Not trying to be an ass, but some punctuation would really help. After reading this I need some Tylenol.


Well-Known Member
Ok so from what I can decipher you are on track you just need a timer for your watering I have done top feed mostly with rockwool so I do five min twice a day. Keep your res between 65-75 and keep res dark should be fine


Well-Known Member
Ok so from what I can decipher you are on track you just need a timer for your watering I have done top feed mostly with rockwool so I do five min twice a day. Keep your res between 65-75 and keep res dark should be fine
good job for reading that whole thing. it was blowing my high trying to understand that rant. if he was tlaking i would have to grab him by the shoulders and tell him "breathe". lol