Can A Water Chiller Cool 2 Reservoirs Simultaneously?


Active Member
Could I use a 1/2 hp water chiller to cool an ez clone machine and a aero-flo resevoir at the same time? Or do I have to buy 2 seperate chillers? Any information would help. Thanks


Active Member
you need 2 separate chillers so you don't contaminate the reservoirs in case anything happens with one.


Active Member
i also wondered this at one point but i didnt want to buy a bunch of different chillers. one thing you can do is freeze water bottles full of water and put a couple in your res and switch them like once a day and you should be good. my water temps get high but i have had no problems so far in my aero system and i change my res once a week.


Well-Known Member
I've run a 1/4 hp chiller to cool my 70 gal veg rez. My aero clonners were in a rack above the lower veg rez. I used a charcoal caddy (lowes) sitting in the chilled veg rez-----lowered the temp 7 degrees below room temp.



Well-Known Member
I'm curious why you need to chill your cloner?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I was always under the impression that clones need a bit higher temps so you can get away without using a chiller.