Can a low height growroom work?


Active Member
Hi all!
I have a neat little area in my large shed which I am thinking of using as a growroom. Dimensions are approx 6ft x 2ft x 4ft. In order to make this a stealthy growcabinet I am restricted on the height to only 4ft and so I have a couple of questions:
a) What is the best setup to have with this size? (lighting, how many plants, etc)
b) what are the best strains to use to give max yeild and max punch?
I have an outdoor grow going on at the moment and hope it works out but I live in an area with a crap climate where there is little sun and lots of rain:cry:.
An indoor grow just won't work but this shed idea i have might:mrgreen:.
A big thanks to RIU for having the best site full of extensive detailed knowledge, peace:blsmoke:...


Well-Known Member
yea that area would deffinatly be enough space. im about to start a plant in a speaker thats 17" by 12" by 6"

Golden Ray

Well-Known Member
I would go with mh 400 watt so you can get them close with out burn, plant indicas there short and bushy. If it gets too hot in shed go with T-5s there cheap and the bulbs are 17.00 each blue veg red flower, oh and T-5 get at least a 4 bulb so it will cover your whole canopy, as they get bigger. Check out my site below. I just went from 2 1000 mh to 3, 4 foot, 4 blue bulbs.
There is like no heat the temp stays 72-75 max I love them great for summer!
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Well-Known Member
Hi all!
I have a neat little area in my large shed which I am thinking of using as a growroom. Dimensions are approx 6ft x 2ft x 4ft. In order to make this a stealthy growcabinet I am restricted on the height to only 4ft and so I have a couple of questions:
a) What is the best setup to have with this size? (lighting, how many plants, etc)
b) what are the best strains to use to give max yeild and max punch?
I have an outdoor grow going on at the moment and hope it works out but I live in an area with a crap climate where there is little sun and lots of rain:cry:.
An indoor grow just won't work but this shed idea i have might:mrgreen:.
A big thanks to RIU for having the best site full of extensive detailed knowledge, peace:blsmoke:...

ok you want small plants grow indicas and I would suggest DWC in 5 gallon buckets, flower them when they are 1/3 of the hieght you want them to be at harvest, get an air cooled reflector with a glass shield on it so u can have the lights real close to the plant thereby giving you that extra vertical space once you maxed out on space

you can also tie them down if they get too big, number of plants depends on size of your light


Well-Known Member
do a scrog... you have plenty of room for a nice scrog...

this is mine 35 days into flower... its a little taller than 2 ft with the pot,
check my grow out in my sig


Active Member
Wow thanks alot for all your help so quickly!
I have had a thought on all of your comments
Primeralives your scrog looks awsome!! The only thing is i don't know if i could wait that long in the veg stage...
I am thinking of perhaps increasing the length of the cabinate to nearly 8ft to allow me to veg a scrog on one side and maybe 3 or 4 LR2's on the other. If I go this route what strain do you reccomend for the scrog and because the LR2 has a veg period of around 3-4 weeks will this effect the scrog when i go 12/12 for the LR2?:neutral: Or coz the LR2 is auto can i run lights 18/6 for a full 8 weeks and then 12/12 to flower the scrog?:?
Now I am really confussed!? An I haven't had a spliff yet!?

Pandabear - great idea on the glass shield for the HPS, will this effect performance of the light at all? oh and what does DWC stand for?

Thanks again!:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
you wouldnt want to do a scrog with any auto flowering plant, and yes you can run 18/6 with an auto flowering strain, you can go 24/0 if you want


Active Member
Cool ok. I wasn't going to scrog with an autoflowering strain but I was going to run an autoflowering along with a scrog. That way I can veg for along time to allow the scrog to grow and fill the screen and also be flowering a few LR2's at the same time. What light settings timewise did you run in the veg stage of urs Prim?


New Member
I'm sure that the scrog veg at 18/6 would do some LR's very well, But you may want to start the lr's first as i'm sure you wouldn't need to veg it 8-9 weeks and dropping the light cycle to 12/12 late in the LR's bloom can't be good for there yeilds.

If your working from seed you could use this time to grow the seeds out and sex them, then choose a mother, clone her and then use the clones to fill the screen. All the while growing LR's at the same time. It sure would be a great way to shorten the time from planning to smoking considerably.

But if your starting from clones [lucky] then you would want to start the LR's first, then maybe 4-5 weeks in put the clones in for the screen, that would give you 3-4 weeks to veg them and fill the screen, then when you harvest the LR's flip it to 12/12 and bloom the Scrog.

Just my 2 cents



Active Member
Great advice guys I will plan around this idea then. I'll start preparing the cabinet and have another think on what lighting I need and where to put them... I might have two seperate areas mebbe? Ah i'll have a think, any more ideas would be great btw:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I agree SCROG would be best in this case however be careful using outbuildings as grow spaces. It is really bad for security purposes the cops are not as restricted as they would be searching personal residences.


Well-Known Member
maybe the light with the glass may have a little loss due to the glass im not sure mine all dont have glass, but a lot of poeple use them

but dwc is growing hydroponically and its super easy u get a 5 gallon bucket fill it with water and put an air stone in it like the one for the fish tanks that bubble up then u put the plant in the lid lid of the bucket in a net pot and put the fertilizer straight in the water, the plant will grow super fast like this i usually can only veg for like 10 days cuz they get so big. like from clone to 12" tall in 10 days. so total grow time is 2 months 10 days until harvest

as long as the air pump is blowing bubbles in the water the roots of the plant can live in the water instead of dirt because the air pump supplies the roots with the oxygen they need to survive and thrive.

read up on DWC is super easy



Active Member
Newgrowth - I hear what you say but I feel pretty safe with the area I am in. I certainly will be careful with this setup.
Pandabear - hydro def seems to be the way to go. I have an Aerogarden thingy and stuff thrives in it! Problem is I bought it for my wife and she uses it for herbs and stuff... I was thinking of sabotaging it and chunking it into the shed (secret grow cabinet) 'oh dear hon, shame...'
Will a hydro sys this size make much noise?


Well-Known Member
Newgrowth - I hear what you say but I feel pretty safe with the area I am in. I certainly will be careful with this setup.
Pandabear - hydro def seems to be the way to go. I have an Aerogarden thingy and stuff thrives in it! Problem is I bought it for my wife and she uses it for herbs and stuff... I was thinking of sabotaging it and chunking it into the shed (secret grow cabinet) 'oh dear hon, shame...'
Will a hydro sys this size make much noise?
Depends on what type of hydro set up you are running. The sell cheap pre made crap all over the internet with loud water/air pumps. I recommend building your own set up then you can customize it for your needs.


Active Member
gr8 advice gents. i think go cfl grow lights purple 200w+for veg & flower or 125w blue 4 veg & 250w for flowering, (low heath low power) 3-5 plant max in ur space..Use mechanical timers only on cfl's.. seed indica as mentioned above. ice. ppp or ak48 give good scope for growing in small spaces.. i got 3 girls in flower in 4x3x3 under 250 cfl red. so far so good


Active Member
Ok change of plan...
I have taken my babies out from that crap weather (Picture1) and stuck em in a cabinet in the shed (picture 2) you can just make it out behind the lawnmower ;).
I have used the aerogarden as a tempory 24hr light source until I get some cfls. I am tempted to use this cabinet as a seedling and early grow area and use the full 8ft long x 2ft wide x 4ft high area as a flowering cabinet. Does that sound like a good idea?
If so what light setup should i have for the flowering room?
I would appreciate any comments thanks.

Oh yeah and I seem to be getting a little bit of green on the surface of the soil how do i stop this??


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