Can a intake fan be on 24/7


New Member
I just got a 4inch inline fan for my space.Can it be on 24/7.Or does it need to rest a few hours?


Well-Known Member
Run that puppy and put the warranty to the test. Constant supply of fresh air will make your plants happy.


Well-Known Member
I'm back to give some advice and I have 1 window fans blowing fresh air in and 1 air hoccy table fan sucking air out and it works awsome for keeping the tem perfect


Well-Known Member
You should always be thinking, Is your indoor garden just as good or better than being outside?
If your plants were outside, they would be getting a constant supply of fresh air, 24/7/365.
Think of how plants survive in the wild. Then make your indoor garden identical to the outside.
The great thing about growing indoors, is that your in control.
Remember you need optimum levels of:
Light, air, water, food, and warmth, at all times....