Calling all MJ lovers!!


Active Member
Why is it that when you're high, you eat shit you either don't like, or shit that doesn't make sense? Lol.
I'm eating popcorn right now and i fucking hate popcorn, but I can't stop eating it; I'm eating it with chocolate syrup and it's sooo good!!
But I bet if I was sober, it would be so nasty!!
Why does this happen to us lol


Well-Known Member
i ate the hell out of some crackers and honey the other day, like a whole damn bottle of honey lol just couldnt stop eating it.


i think it has something to do with liptons or some chemical in your brain being blocked allowing your body to believe youre hungry. and being in a "high" state sweetness is suppose to be more noticeable or some shit. im blazed sorry and i read the article a long ass time ago.

watermelon and pineapple on a stick! its probably the best thing ill eat tonight


Well-Known Member
i heard on leno the other day about some restaurant that has a hamburger but the buns are 2 grilled cheese sandwiches. ill be making this very soon.
yea i notice that to. i eat pretzles when im stoned and i cant stand them. loololollololloloolooollo!!!!!11!11oneoneone!!111!11eleven!!11111111!!!!111