Calling all bong smokers and glass conniseurs

Getting a new oil rig in the next couple days and I have narrowed it down to 2 choices.
This thing is dope and I have heard nothing but awesome things , plus it comes with a quartz nail and dome already.
But then I saw this guy for the same price...
Bent Inline Tree Perc to 13 arm tree perc but I would also need to drop another $20-$40 on an oil dome setup.
Decisions decisions..
Prolly be able to see your nail when you're dabbing it better with the first one.
true, although the bent neck makes it more comfortable to smoke because you don't need to be directly above the rig.

Both these pipes look quite alright. I don't know the brand so it's hard to judge the quality, so in that case I would suggest to just pick the one that you like the best and buy some high quality dabbing equipment like a banger, dabber, carb cap etc. Because these are the parts that will wear out or even break quickly if it's "china" quality. Hard to give good advice without knowing the prices and brands but these bongs sure look quite nice.
true, although the bent neck makes it more comfortable to smoke because you don't need to be directly above the rig.

Both these pipes look quite alright. I don't know the brand so it's hard to judge the quality, so in that case I would suggest to just pick the one that you like the best and buy some high quality dabbing equipment like a banger, dabber, carb cap etc. Because these are the parts that will wear out or even break quickly if it's "china" quality. Hard to give good advice without knowing the prices and brands but these bongs sure look quite nice.

According to your shopping habits, it is around $100 budget. Which brands of pipes would you choose? :cool:
The first one looks like its made better based on just the pictures, it be hard to tell though. The second one has a smaller mouthpiece which would be better for dabs if that's what you're looking to use it for.