California weighs steep new fines to combat illegal cannabis sellers

So, from what I see, this will just be another reason why people will go back to their weedman instead of shops. They really just need to lower the taxes and barrier for entry.
They have had medical since what 95? Now all the sudden the politicians friends are losing money. Now its for the safety of the people???
They have had medical since what 95? Now all the sudden the politicians friends are losing money. Now its for the safety of the people???

You nailed it. if you are looking for the root cause of something, just follow the money. Politicians arent getting the payday they thought was coming, so now they are coming down harder. So the big money guys (medmen, erba etc), will be the only source for most of those who don't grow weed. They are trying to get those tax revenues up.
If it’s anything like Canada alot of the investors and directors will be retired politicians, retired cops, federal worker’s union pension fund, etc. It is not surprising how much has been swept under the rug already with friends like that.
Hopefully this doesn't hurt small businesses too much. Small dispensaries in the California area could be great for the economy if only they were allowed to flourish.