cali card growing(6mature 12 immature)

Sup all, question for ya. Im getting my cali card in a week or two and im totally confused on one of the legalities. In San Bernardino county you're allowed to grow 6 mature plants or 12 immature ones. Confusing to anyone else? Say 6 of my 12 immatures become mature, do I have to throw out the other 6? Any help is welcome, this is a friggin weird little rule.

Peace :weed:


Active Member
Sup all, question for ya. Im getting my cali card in a week or two and im totally confused on one of the legalities. In San Bernardino county you're allowed to grow 6 mature plants or 12 immature ones. Confusing to anyone else? Say 6 of my 12 immatures become mature, do I have to throw out the other 6? Any help is welcome, this is a friggin weird little rule.

Peace :weed:
the idea is you start with 12 immature plants...seedlings...babies if you will...

eventually they will show sex and half will be males (roughly) so you would have 6 mature plants because you dont keep the males...
So the 12 is just a cushion to ensure you get 6 females, hmf.Think it'd just be easier to say you can only have 6 plants. Whatevs(6plants worth of hash right), thanks a lot man cleared that up.


Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
no it's just what is acceptable. So you could grow clones and still have 6 mature and six immature. Mature is anything flowering I can only have 6 and 3 this sucks. when your illegal you can grow as many as you want what a crock.
By the way, anyone know about vendors licenses, i know quite a few clinics that'll buy from me if i get it. Im not totally sure how to acquire it or much or how legal, but profit looks good, so curious about that too.


its that way because they dont want you to over produce and sell but they feel having clones when your flowering is a good thing.