calcium or magnesium?! help!


Active Member
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I think the one on the left is a magnesium deficiency and the one on the right may be a calcium deficiency. I've been adding two teaspoons of general organics cal mag for the past week to tap water. Before that I was just watering with distilled which is probably why I have this problem now. The plant with the red/brown spots was turning yellow like the plant on the left but the yellowing has almost stopped and now its just the spots. The plant with the yellowing has just started progressing late this week. I am using organic soil(super soil) and am on day 25 of flower. temps are between 75-80. humidity is around 16%. Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
get calmag and it will sort both deficiencies. Foliar feed 2m/L first as calcuim is slow moving in the plant and will take a lot longer via the roots.


Well-Known Member
Check your ph a wrong ph will show same problems but its not a def.. they get locked out. If you been feeding calmag for a week and no change you have another problem such as ph. Also the old growth may not recover and need to look at new growth to see if you action corrected problem


Active Member
How do i correct ph in organics? It seems that the cal/mag is HELPING but not completely fixing the problem. I definitely think my Ph is the issue I just don't know how to fix it.


Well-Known Member
What is your ph ? Dolomite lime if its to acidic. Are you using general organic nutes or actuall making aact teas n such


Well-Known Member
If possible dont do damage but if you can take the top 1 inch 2 inches and put powered dolomite lime in and recover w dirt and some more lime on top and water just enough tomake no runnoff of just a littlr the dolomite will balance the soil but will take a few days. You can foliar feed to keep nutrients getting to plants.