cal/mag dosage?

hi , im in rockwool my plants are 1 month old and they have 2-3 sets of true leaves
i noticed what i think it is a iron/cal/mag deficiency so i bought some epsom salts and calcium carbonate
i have a foliar spray to which i added 30 ml dutch master liquid light +30 ml penetrator + 1tsp epsom salt +1tsp calcium carbonate , i spray every 2 days
on the dutch master site it says the ph of the foliar spray will be at a ph of 8-9
if i added epsom salts and calcium carbonate should i check ph?
for root feeding i added 1 ml Grow A + 1 ml Grow B +1 tsp epsom salts + 0.5 ml Zone + 1ml Max Grow + 0.5 ml Silica and how much calcium carbonate should i add?
picture of my plants
i will transplant them again in case someone wonders why they so close to each other


i make the first answer, do not rely on my opinion, I am not a gardener. But for me, it doesnt look like a Mag, Cal def. For me it looks like a general PH Problem. When i look at Jorge Cervantes Poster there i could indicate much. Maybe Sulfur Def, also Iron def (like you say), Zinc def, maybe possible Potassium overdose cause the internodal look very close but could also be that the light is too close. But we need better photos, closer to the leafs, if there are any spots on the leaf or so on.



Well-Known Member
pH is very important in Hydro. I want to recommend you get a pH meter, a TDS/PPM meter and a bottle of Dynagro to replace all of your fertilizers. Not that Dutch Master isn't great but just that Dynagro is so good I mimic when I mix my own nutrients for hydro. Or, to be honest, if I am busy I just use Dynagro liquid. But even if you don't get Dynagro you definitely need to know pH and PPM.