Cal/Mag def or nut burn?.?


I honestly do not think nute burn is a possibility as these poor little girls have just been stunted from the beginning and I never gave any nuts until over 30 days and that was very diluted MG which I know no one likes but it is what I had on hand until my 20-20-20 arrived. Again, it was very diluted. These plant were all started at the same time except for the really green bushy one which was started a week later. (This is an unknown strain, one of the freebies I got from my order of Big Bud Fem)
I have read sooooo many things and compared sooooo many pictures and read soooo much information, I think I need to be a chemist to figure this shit out! LOL
The grow medium is organic, primarily peat moss, composted humus, composted bark, and composted poultry litter. I have been thinking I had a Cal and/or Mag def but photos I have seen could also be Pot/phos. I got CalMag and applied foliar yesterday at half dose. Photos attached will show the droplets. I took more photos today of the worst of them.
I am pHing my water and pHing runoff (trying to keep around 5.8-6 for organic mix) but my soil tester is a piece of shit from what I have read and I need to get a digital one. I went all out on these girls with VHO lights, mylar, humidifiers, a/c, etc. and I am at my wits end. Believe it or not these must be about 6 weeks old right now. I did get a late start but this is terrible!

smallest 0702 at 6wks.jpg sickest leaves closeup 0702.jpg All 4 together after foliar calmag 0701.jpg


He y dude . . . .how often do you water??
Only every 3rd or 4th day. The peat moss seems to really hold in the moisture. I do test the soil before I water and when I water I water just until I see runoff. With these photos, I have not watered since Sunday, only foliar yesterday and I raised the lights to avoid any burn from that.


Well-Known Member
Your PH of anything going in needs to be 6.5 to start dude . . . . . it is soil based after all . . . .

I am pHing my water and pHing runoff (trying to keep around 5.8-6 for organic mix) but my soil tester is a piece of shit from what I have read and I need to get a digital one.



Well-Known Member
Every 3 or four days?? Seems a lot of water, are the pots nice and light before you water? Plants that size in containers that size should be going nearly a week between waterings ime . . . .

Only every 3rd or 4th day. The peat moss seems to really hold in the moisture. I do test the soil before I water and when I water I water just until I see runoff. With these photos, I have not watered since Sunday, only foliar yesterday and I raised the lights to avoid any burn from that.



Every 3 or four days?? Seems a lot of water, are the pots nice and light before you water? Plants that size in containers that size should be going nearly a week between waterings ime . . . .

Yeah, I agree with that. Like I said, I haven't watered since Sunday so trying to get some Cal by foliar feeding. Not going to water for a while but considering a flush the next time?


Well-Known Member
The plant is possibly deficient or locked out . . . we don't know which yet, . . . .IF deficient, the plant has targeted those leaves for survival . . . . removing them will simply force the plant to target the next "power cell" to drain until adequate nutrient is added . . . . that will carry on up the plant until no leaves remain and death, the end!

If it is lock out, I do tend to remove the worst leaves as it will stop the plant from trying to repair them and, as you said, concentrate on the good growing areas . . .

Well glad I asked. LOL I always thought it was best to cut off dead/dying stuff so the plant could concentrate more on the healthy stuff but I guess with weed it is different?



Well-Known Member
You've got compost, humus, bark n stuff, a lot of stuff found in soil . . . . . . it's all really dependent on your nutrient line up . . . .if it's Canna Bio . . . throw your PH meter away, if it's advanced nutrients (with PH perfect technology, lmfao!) then PHing is essential!!!

I don't think there's anything organic about MG is there ??????!!!!!!

OK, I give up! I thought organic mix was considered soilless. :(



Well-Known Member
Have you inoculated your organic medium with a diverse range of bacteria and a comedian to break down what is n the soil?

I fear your repeated waterings, especially if they were to run off and at 5.8 to 6.0 . . . .may off either locked out Phosphorous, or leached it out of the soil; and it looks like N has been leeched out for sure . . . . . again all depends on your watering habits this last month . . . .

What color are the petioles and main stem please?

OK, I give up! I thought organic mix was considered soilless. :(



Have you inoculated your organic medium with a diverse range of bacteria and a comedian to break down what is n the soil?

I fear your repeated waterings, especially if they were to run off and at 5.8 to 6.0 . . . .may off either locked out Phosphorous, or leached it out of the soil; and it looks like N has been leeched out for sure . . . . . again all depends on your watering habits this last month . . . .

What color are the petioles and main stem please?

Pestioles of older growth are reddish/purple (color blind apparently lol) The new are more green. Main stem is green with slight dotted verical lines of darker color. pestioles 0702.jpgpestioles and main stem.jpg


Have you inoculated your organic medium with a diverse range of bacteria and a comedian to break down what is n the soil?

I fear your repeated waterings, especially if they were to run off and at 5.8 to 6.0 . . . .may off either locked out Phosphorous, or leached it out of the soil; and it looks like N has been leeched out for sure . . . . . again all depends on your watering habits this last month . . . .

What color are the petioles and main stem please?

I would pretty much guarantee I have not "inoculated your organic medium with a diverse range of bacteria and a comedian to break down what is n the soil?" siince I have NO idea what you mean.

So what I am gathering is that I should be following ideal pH levels for soil rather than organic/soilless?.?


I REEEEAAAALLLLYYYYY appreciate all of your help Semper.Fi !!!!!!!
I hardly ever get any replies. I know people are tired of us newbies asking the same shit without doing their research but I have read so much I just get more and more confused. Seems everyone has a difference of opinion. It's frustrating!


Well-Known Member
Did you make the medium up yourself or is it a brand of medium?

I would pretty much guarantee I have not "inoculated your organic medium with a diverse range of bacteria and a comedian to break down what is n the soil?" siince I have NO idea what you mean.

So what I am gathering is that I should be following ideal pH levels for soil rather than organic/soilless?.?
Hey no worries . . . .

I REEEEAAAALLLLYYYYY appreciate all of your help Semper.Fi !!!!!!!
I hardly ever get any replies. I know people are tired of us newbies asking the same shit without doing their research but I have read so much I just get more and more confused. Seems everyone has a difference of opinion. It's frustrating!



Did you make the medium up yourself or is it a brand of medium?

Hey no worries . . . .

Well I am embarrassed to say it was MG organic potting mix but the nutes were extremely low, ( .10 - .05 - .05) and I added extra peat moss and perlite to the mix. I thought the nutes were too minimal to worry about but now I feel I know nothing!


Well-Known Member
Ok, so long and short of it . . . . .6 weeks in a container that size, if they weren't watered as often as they have been would probably look a lot healthier . . . and bigger . . . . now, either your waterings have been enough to leech nutrient from the soil already, or you've watered just little enough for salts to collect near the bottom of the medium where is has become toxic . . .dunno which yet . . . . how much run off have you been getting each watering, remind me ???

You're gonna have to leave them for a number of days to go bone dryish, veery light to pick up the containers . . . .then I suggest a 1/4 strength feed, bottom fed, if you can . . . . .so we soak the entire medium, once there is a little run off from the soaking, we can leave it half an hour to settle with the root zone, then pour another half gallon through to collect for testing.



Ok, so long and short of it . . . . .6 weeks in a container that size, if they weren't watered as often as they have been would probably look a lot healthier . . . and bigger . . . . now, either your waterings have been enough to leech nutrient from the soil already, or you've watered just little enough for salts to collect near the bottom of the medium where is has become toxic . . .dunno which yet . . . . how much run off have you been getting each watering, remind me ???

You're gonna have to leave them for a number of days to go bone dryish, veery light to pick up the containers . . . .then I suggest a 1/4 strength feed, bottom fed, if you can . . . . .so we soak the entire medium, once there is a little run off from the soaking, we can leave it half an hour to settle with the root zone, then pour another half gallon through to collect for testing.

I haven't been getting hardly any runoff. Sounds like a plan. Will wait til good and dry. What pH do I want the feeding to be for this medium? You mentioned 6.5 earlier. Do I need to get Canna Bio? I have JR Peters Jack classic 20-20-20 fert.