Caged rodents in grow room for CO2?


Well-Known Member
im growing a couple of girls right now in my closet which is very small. 3 1/2 X 3 x 6.

Would placing some rodents in a cage in the grow closet increase CO2 in the air?
or not worth the effort and time?


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a unique idea that should be tested. I suspect they're pets not pests, in which case I 'm sure the CO2 levels will go up, but by how much; probably very little.

Am I Norml

Active Member
i raise rats for my snakes and i keep a pen of them in with my plants when i don't have the makings or am not able to get out to get the makings for homemade co2.. the homemade generator works the best but the next best thing is live :)
besides if i have to feed the damn things might as well get double the return off them is my thinking :)
make sure to place the cage up high tho co2 is heavy and falls to the floor :)


Well-Known Member
Mate altho these rodents are your pet's i would say that it would be a very bad idea. Any animals that have fur will be sure to have microscopic lice or other insect's living in there fur. Just because they may be clean animals to you or me, doesn't mean the don't carry insect egg's, fly's, nat's etc etc that my not be bad for humans but for plants they may well be very bad. Now correct me if im wrong but most insects do carry germs and this may be fatal if they contaminate your grow area, especially 1 of that size. Keep your area clinical at all time's its good practice to clean your room on a weekly basis....... Just my tuppence.



Well-Known Member
No. You'r better off getting some air circulation and get new CO2 from outside.
If your having proper air circulation the CO2 won't build up and even a fancy CO2 system will be worthless.