

Active Member
Greetings fellow growers. I am back after several months of not growing marijuana. I return with cactus plants and im very excited. I just wanted to post a few pics and see if there are any other cactus enthusiasts on this site. I would be interested possibly receiving a few cactus seeds or plants to help expand my collection. I purchased these cacti at lowes and wal-mart, and they've been doing exceptionally well since I transplanted them.



Active Member
The one on the bottom left is nicknamed "red headed irishman", the one next to it is nicknamed "beavertail" and the third is a type of aloe, its very spiny. They cost about 2.50 each and you could probably find some at your local megamart lol

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
theres a kickas garden place here that sells all kinds of em..your post makes me wanna go load up now lol

i dig the nicknames lol


Well-Known Member
hello, nice to meet you
im currently thinking about getting some peruvian torch and san pedro ends... i live in florida and would put them outside... and yes i will eat them. generally better than peyote... and completely legal, as if i cared. lol

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
I have quite a few out in the yard, the largest is about 10 feet across and 4 feet high. Mostly native plants that were just growing there on their own and I just started taking care of them. I did get a basket ball sized barrel cactus from walmart a few months ago, not bad for $20. My cucumber cactus puts out beautiful purple flowers, I wish I had taken some pics.