C5Rftw's second CFL bubbleponics grow


Well-Known Member
well, this time I know a lot more about what to do and most importantly how prevent certain problems.... Hopefully these clone turn out better than the last....

this time they are all purple haze clone..four of them.

running (13) 65w 2700k CFLs (~around 55,000 lumens) and a modified bubbleponics system with plenty of air

heres a clone before the transfer



Well-Known Member
I can't wait to see this grow after how well the first one went! BTW what was your final weight from last time?

5.2 ounces... not bad for (4) 30" plants with CFLs...

going for ~20 plants this time... waiting on all the clones... got 5 right now in 2 systems and 10 more clones in the clone chamber right now


Well-Known Member
you guys think a 150w HPS is any good... i hvae only delt with 400w and 1000w HIDs before... never anything that small


Well-Known Member
im thinking of more light and dont know what to get... cause my situation is very heat sensitive... Im open to any idea guys


Well-Known Member
here's some more progress... 3 rooting nicely.... 2 are recovering from improper transplant and i got 18 spots more available, just waiting on the clones...



Active Member

I am in the same boat as you. I want more light. I am debating on 600 vs 1000w.

My thinking is, if/when I go bigger, the 1000w would be more useful, able to pair it up with more 1000w's down the road for a much larger system. But I think the 1000w would be a little much for my current space. Just not sure. Would really like to see what you come up with. I was thinking about a small 150w or 250w also, but then thought against it, but am up for seeing what you do. Like I said, subscribed for this grow !


Well-Known Member
its all about heat for me man... i got a 1k hps in another room with my soil grows, but this is a closet grow and really dont have space for anything.... atleast it seems. closet is .... 3Lx7Wx7H..


Well-Known Member
good news, they are all rooting.. cant wait to start on the next 6 once these are well rooted in 2-3 weeks... im gonna try to do a perpetual grow in my 4 bubbleponics system with them(6 plants each time ) seperated by 3 weeks each... and since it takes me 11 weeks from clone to harvest... i should start harvesting every 3 weeks in 10-11 weeks


Well-Known Member
this is giving me trouble this time... hopefully i will have pics of them ripping up soon


Well-Known Member
IDK!!! they are rooting and growing, just very slowly... i think the temp is too high.. i just really have been busy, and cant give em the love and time like they need..


Well-Known Member
this is in one of my homemade bubbleponics. Im gonna be showing all my new girls in here.

this one is looking good already. and yes it 12/12 from seed/clone. about two weeks since put her in



Well-Known Member
i know it doesn't look like much now, but they are growing way better than my first grow. i thank better nutrients(using Flora Nova Grow, 100ppm) better light, and more bubbles



Well-Known Member
scribed for sure. This is kinda along what I want a small light for a mom and some clones. Tell me about your bubbleponics rig.