Buying supplies for a spring grow


*Sorry for the length, skip to paragraph 3 if you’re too high to read it all :joint:
Hey RIU, I'm working on a plan to get a small-scale outdoor grow going in some woods and a field around my town. The locations are uncertain, I still have TONS of scouting to do, but I think the places I have in mind might make the cut.

Anyways, gardening supplies are also a ton to ship to your house (40lb bags LOL?), let alone suspicious. I do currently live with my parents, which is why I'm growing outdoors in the first place. Before you go all "0mFG und3r-18 n00b, b4n", let me explain. I'm attending community college this year, which is literally like a quarter mile walk from my house. I don't have a car, as I currently can't afford the insurance, and my parents really don't like me taking either of theirs out, usually denying when I ask without a fucking GREAT reason.

So basically I'd have to walk about a mile down a nearby trail, possibly with a wagon, to an agricultural supply store. There, I'd probably purchase a bag of bonemeal, bloodmeal, and worm castings, as well as look for a few bags of good potting soil. I can't imagine what to tell the employees, or what they'd think. Then I take my ~120-200 lbs of soils, shits, and various dead animal parts back to my house, where I stash them until I have to mix my soil in the spring. If this doesn't scream "I grow something besides tomato plants, because I'm an 18-year-old who just spent $100+ on farming supplies", then IDFK what would. Any ideas? I'll also have to lug my mix a few miles on foot when I plant, so that's kinda intimidating.

PS: I have social anxiety, which is why I really want that much bud in the first place, but I think I could muster the courage to look the people in the eye and play it down as much as possible. Just the idea that they'd tip off police or something, idk. I'm also worried about passing people I know on the way back, who'd either think I'm insane for carrying bags of dirt, etc. on a fucking wagon, or get suspicious and spread rumors.


Damn dude i feel ya on this when i lived with my parents i grew outside once because they had 50+ acres of land as i was scouting i found my stepdads grow lol, but anyway if you go and buy all that shit i doubt they would tell the police, if they ask just say your buying the shit for your parents or just tell em to fuck off its none of there business what u do with your shit

good luck with your spring grow!
keep smokin!

Vapor Nation

Well-Known Member
I think that the store will be happy to make a sale and you shouldn't have to worry about them questioning your motives. As for people passing by, perhaps you could bring the items back in your wagon with garbage bags around everything... that way if anyone asks, you're just transporting some leaves that you raked up or something to that effect. I also understand that if you know what the soil is going to be used for, it makes for this strange feeling that everybody else who sees it automatically knows that you'll be growing some herb, but honestly that probably isn't actually the case. And if people are rather suspicious, refer to what ahhzombies said above, "it's none of their business what you do." Good luck with your venture dude!


Sector 5 Moderator
Why not just wait til closer to spring? Don't you have a friend that has a truck? How about renting a truck from Lowes, Home Depot, U-Haul, or anywhere that rents trucks, pick the stuff up, deliver it, take the truck back and be done with it. Have you a place fixed where you can stash your stuff til you get it mixed up and in the ground. I would have all the "ground" work done before taking any sign of a plant near there.


Thanks everyone, I'm the planning type so I'll probably spend the next 5 months planning and re-planning, but I think that's what I'd like to do! I appreciate the encouragement, and I'll definitely dig my holes/ get pots, etc., this spring, before I touch that store!