Buying seed online SAFE


Active Member

I have been experimenting with bag seed, getting everything worked out, so i know what i am doing, somewhat, but now the rooms are ready to put this thing into motion, hps will be here tomorrow maybe Monday, so i am ready to spend some green to grow some green. but i don't want to get caught buying seed s offline.

How do i go about buying them online without having them sent to my house...or having them linked to me? is this a valid concern, do i need to worry about it? I have paid cash for all but my light, that is from an online store on a prepaid credit card and comes in an unmarked box...i hope. anyway, I'm getting a bit paranoid. need some non stink seeds.

Any ideas, i don't want to get in trouble over buying seeds online.


Well-Known Member
I've never heard of anyone getting in trouble ordering or recieving seeds in the mail. Getting ripped off is probably more of a concern.


Active Member
I've never heard of anyone getting in trouble ordering or recieving seeds in the mail. Getting ripped off is probably more of a concern.
I have never heard of it either, but I was just looking for an alternative to sending the directly to my home, or a safe site suggestion, or something to set my mind at ease.

thank you for your coment.


Well-Known Member
I agree, getting ripped off should probably be more of a concern. Before I order beans from a new place I will research the business. Try to find out what other people are saying about them. This should give you a basic idea. Then send them an e-mail or two, and see if they respond, and how long it takes. Always select the stealth mailing option, if possible. If you have a friend or relative that you can have them sent to, that is good. You can use a pre-paid cc at a lot of places, so it can not be traced. In the past, I have used my own cc and had them sent to my house where my garden is located. This may have not been the safest way to do it, but it worked without any problems.


Active Member
will do thank s for comments, i just didint want to send them to the location of my garden is what it boils down to...i will have to look into a buddy or somehting...what yall think of a po they do that, is this anygood?


PO Box is probably the least safe of all the various places you could send it. For one, when you sign up for the PO Box you have to give them valid identification which will have your address on it. Another option is to find an empty house somewhere near-by where you can check the mail daily. An abandoned house would be best for this rather than just one that is up for sale. If you're lucky enough to have an abandoned house down the street just send all your seeds there. If you're REALLY paranoid, don't check the mail there till night time.


Active Member
PO Box is probably the least safe of all the various places you could send it. For one, when you sign up for the PO Box you have to give them valid identification which will have your address on it. Another option is to find an empty house somewhere near-by where you can check the mail daily. An abandoned house would be best for this rather than just one that is up for sale. If you're lucky enough to have an abandoned house down the street just send all your seeds there. If you're REALLY paranoid, don't check the mail there till night time.
ya i have never gotten a po box...that is why i asked. i like the abandoned huse idea i may try that one. just dont want to take chance i dont need to

thank you.


Active Member

anyone have a favorite site, and non stink strain? I am looking for a couch lock, short and bushy high yeilding and quick growing that is photoperiod responsive.

I'm mainly searching for a source. but strain suggestions give me aplace to start looking.


bud bootlegger
if you check out, over on the left hand side of the home page is a section titled low odor strains.. they have about six or seven strains there.. i have never ordered from them, but i have heard that they are a good place to order from.. also, lavender, nothern lights, cindy 99 and a few others are good low odor strains.. nl's is a nice plant to start with.. good yeild, nice smoke, etc..
i like the attitude personally.. and they are having a nice freebie giveaway this weekend.. spend 20 pounds and get seven free femed seeds for free.. i don't think that you have much to worry about sending beans to your place as you not growing anything there at the moment.. opps, oh yeah, forgot about your bag seeds.. even still.. i get seeds shipped to my place all of the time.. i'm not too sure about the abanded house idea.. not sure if they are gonna deliver mail to a house that they know that no one is living in.. if you do go that way, i would try and send say a bday card there first and see if it gets there before sending beans there.. what about say your parents or a friends place? also, if your gonna send the seeds to a different addy, make sure that the name and addy are familiar with the mail man as i have read about mailman seeing a name on a package that didn't look familiar for that addy and they wouldn't deliever it.. i always think that just sending them to you personally is the easiest, and i have made probably around 20 or so online seed purchases thus far..


Undercover Mod
You guys are far to paranoid. I have my beans sent to my p.o. box. If they get found they just get confiscated and destroyed. You will not get in any trouble.