buying perscription pills online

Dr. Haze

Well-Known Member
im looking for an online pharmacy that i know wont rip me off, alot of them dont have oxycontin or percocet, thats all i want, can any1 point me in the right direction?


Oracle of Hallucinogens
that's because pill heads aren't cool and spread their addiction everywhere they go. I will point you in the right direction though, your local doctor. If you're injured and need the prescription you'll get it.


Well-Known Member

Junkie mutch!

I had an idea for an 'intervention' type show called, "FOOD JUNKIES!!!"



New Member
Like shepj says, go to the doctor. If you are in loads of pain and genuinely injured you should have no problem. Otherwise, I would just call you a drug addict.


Well-Known Member
they sell many a crazy us pain pill on the net and they aint hard to find either your get the first couple of orders then they disapeer with ya money, i wont post no links sounds like people aint too happy with you asking lol its ok to talk about all sorts of other crazy shit tho lol


Well-Known Member
drive to mexico right accross the border and go into any pharmacy...... its not unheard of for people to go there and buy several 1000 pills and bring them back w/o problems.... most border drug dogs arent trained to sniff pills. only heron, coke, weed, and meth


Well-Known Member
do pills even have a traceable odor?

yea i second the mexico notion; you can get ANY drug in mexico since they passed that law trying to put cartels out of business


Well-Known Member
the same mexican pharmacys will save you the drive and hassle of being caught at the crossing and send them in the post.


Well-Known Member
im sure u will be paying like 80 cents on the pill or less for oxy or hydrocod. if u buy in the bulk.

also look into local pain clinics.. alot of them are easiley corrupted.


If this were possible any longer I wouldn't have a blackberry full of hookups around town. There was a time several years ago you could find narcotics on line without a prescription but that time has passed. I was never able to find opiates through on line pharmacies only muscle relaxers and sedatives like valium and xanax. These business found loopholes to ship prescriptions narcotics without a prescription by giving the "patient" an on line "doctors exam". Once it starting being investigated they began shipping them from overseas and the prescription would come in questionable forms and unidentifiable packages. The pills would have no imprints and would be wrapped in plastic wrap. Furthermore, the price of these on line pharmacies were as high as street value for the pills. I did a good 3 years of on line pharmacy shopping and was pretty successful but once the pills started coming without imprints I opted out and started building street hookups.