Buying Nutrients...


Active Member
I'm going to start growing soon.
A friend is hooking me up with a couple clones, so i'm not exactly starting from scratch but i need to know a few things about these nutrients...

(1) 8 ounce bottle floralicious ($10)

(1) Supernatural grow aqua nutrient ($10)

(1) Supernatural super boost nutrient ($10)

do i need anything more than these nutes to feed my plants?
Is this a good deal?
Is there directions for how to use them on the bottle, because i'm not sure, but is 1/4 strength right for using nutients?
and would i just use these with some kind of good organic soil?

and do you constantly use the different nutes (depending on what stage plants are in) up until about 2 weeks before harvesting?

i hope you all understood my questions.
