busted for .036 of a gram.....


Well-Known Member
so yea...a while ago, new years eve, I got busted for possession along with 2 of my friends, now what I had on me was what had fallen out of the tip of the blunt into a Ziploc bag while we were driving to where we were going to smoke. What I had done was I got the bullshit amount tested for THC because i mean its such a small amount and until now ive been waiting for the results....

the results of the test came back positive but thats because they tested the marijuana they found on all three of us but they did separate the evidence into separate pieces of evidence for each different thing they found on each individual, so my friends bud my other friends bud and my little bullshit flakes, but when they tested it they did it as a whole and didn't assign each evidence to one person.

So I talked to my lawyer and he said that the smallest amount of evidence obtained was .0013 of an ounce, which equals to .036 grams (which was what I had)....so I guess my question is do I have a shot at getting out of this because they didn't test the weed that I actually got charged for? It seems like such bullshit to me and I wanna hear some opinions

oh and i didn't put this in the legal forum because i figured i wouldn't get as many responses as in the toke n talk

fuck our courts

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
one of you should bite the bullet and take one for the team---rock, paper, scissors :) No sense of everybody going down for a bullshit charge when one can take it without any real consequence that you or they would have gotten anyways.


Well-Known Member
You plead the 5th outside of a court room

Meaning when the cop asked if it was yours , your response was ..''I plead the 5th ""?
well when he had us all sit on the curb for a while and started asking us questions i said im taking the 5th and then my friend handed over what he had and did the same


Well-Known Member
Is this a ticket or a real criminal offense where you are? If criminal seek a trial and refuse any less, and tell them you'll represent yourself if you have to and argue anything you can think of until the cows come home. (And that you can be incredibly long winded.)

They may drop it just to save the prosecution fees for something which they know themselves is so stupid. Especially now with the state of finances across the country.


Well-Known Member
Is this a ticket or a real criminal offense where you are? If criminal seek a trial and refuse any less, and tell them you'll represent yourself if you have to and argue anything you can think of until the cows come home. (And that you can be incredibly long winded.)

They may drop it just to save the prosecution fees for something which they know themselves is so stupid. Especially now with the state of finances across the country.
yea its an offense.....im gonna try my damn hardest to get out of it so I can save the 210 disposition for another time


Well-Known Member
They do think they are bad ass's dont they ....

Good luck with your problem... Be more careful next time
yea, i will....but we even were carefull but the cop pulled us over on "a hunch" pretty much....after the blunt ride we aired out the car for like 15 minutes and sprayed oust all over and then like 5 minutes later a cop starts to follow us as we get around our neighborhood and follows us for a few mins then decides to pull us over because "he could smell it from driving behind us".....god damn i hate how cops abuse their power


Well-Known Member
yea, i will....but we even were carefull but the cop pulled us over on "a hunch" pretty much....after the blunt ride we aired out the car for like 15 minutes and sprayed oust all over and then like 5 minutes later a cop starts to follow us as we get around our neighborhood and follows us for a few mins then decides to pull us over because "he could smell it from driving behind us".....god damn i hate how cops abuse their power
wow... who needs dogs when they have that guy...
tht sucks tho man.. i would be fighting it too .. thts jst ridiculous