

Active Member
I have no idea what the right kinda bulb is, or where to get them.

for now ive been using heat lamps from the pet store.. which seem to work pretty damn good as long as i dont let them burn the plant


Well-Known Member
hi, good luck on your grow. all the answers you are looking for are in the faq...

read through that... then if you you have any questions hit up the forums.. kay ...:D


Active Member
heat (a.k.a. red halogen bulb) lamps will not work. All they will do is stretch your plant. If you're looking for something low-budget, CFL's are the way to go.

Or, if you're really into this particular pet store, some fish-lighting will work too (y'know, the fluorescent lights they have over aquariums).


Active Member
heat (a.k.a. red halogen bulb) lamps will not work. All they will do is stretch your plant. If you're looking for something low-budget, CFL's are the way to go.

Or, if you're really into this particular pet store, some fish-lighting will work too (y'know, the fluorescent lights they have over aquariums).
What is CFL? ill search google in the meantime

edit: any website to buy CFL's from, or stores which sell them?


Active Member
Hey Blaze, CFLs are Compact Flourescent Lamps, which are the energy saving light bulbs that screw into a regular light socket but are made of either a coiled or u-shaped tube instead of a regular bulb. They are cheap, last long, and you can buy them just about anywhere, like the grocery store, hardware store, or wherever they sell light bulbs. I'm not an expert, but from what I've read you will want to get the highest wattage you can find, also I guess they make cool-white and warm white lamps. The cool ones have more blue light, which helps in the vegetative stage, and the warm ones have more red, which helps with flowering.