Built this today!

tony maglone

Well-Known Member
Hi thought id show you this. built it for my clones, mothers,etc. total cost 6 quid for the black and white My lamp was off my girlfriend for christmas(nice one) and the wood was rescued from a skip. i quite like it.the lamp is a 200 watt compact flouro.


Well-Known Member
it will work fine for clones, but not enough space for mothers. atleast it looks that way. take all the money you saved on this project and go out and buy a half-way decent digital camera.

tony maglone

Well-Known Member
hi i only wanna keep 1 mum in there and a few clones its 4ft wide 3.5 ft deep and 4ft tall plenty big enough. and mogie 200 watt compact 10.000 lumens, approx, in that space not enough light.. lol lol. mmm.


Well-Known Member
dude, you will do fine with that setup for what you are wanting to do. what about moisture control, temp control, and stinkiness of plant/s?

tony maglone

Well-Known Member
hi cheers allmeatnopotatoe.. sorry about the quality of the pics shite camera on ma phone ( digis knackered) k mate the lamp dont kick off enough heat to worry about humidity plus i want it quite humid anyway for when i got cuttings in there got a mate keeps 2 mums under 1 of those lamps there happy as larry have been for months. Smell, hardly any smell no worse than the smell of ma spliffs lol.Space i seen people actually flower 4 plants in spaces smaller than that.. Dunno if mogie thought i wanted to do a complete grow in there lol.


Well-Known Member
lol, I am growing BIGBUD right now and they are only 2 weeks old from germination and have already made their pressence known in the room.

tony maglone

Well-Known Member
Yeah i know that feeling that pic in my avatar took that a week ago thank god i got a carbon filter hooked up to the smeely lil sods otherwise id be looking for somewhere else to live lol:cry: