Building a Grow Box, Just worried about the temps inside the box/Best solution?


hi guys, this is my first time building a small growbox, dimensions are (H) 2.7' x (W) 2.03' x (D) 1.3'.
I wish to use the ScrOG Method. Just wondering what would be the optimal Wattage Globe for the HID/HPS? (for both low levels of heat & best yield in my small box?
Being such an enclosed space, i dont want a house fire!)

I will install 2 fans (80mm or 120mm) 1 for In-Take (Side Mounted) 1 for Out-take (Top Mounted with a carbon filter) plus probably a small desk fan for more flow in the cab if needed (space permitting). Maylar lining for the walls of the enclosure. Self watering system (either wick or pumped on a timer as to not disturb the cycles too much.

Should i leave the ballast as is and just mount it in there? OR should i use the remote ballast technique's that others have used to keep my temps down by having it outside of the box?

Plus also would this size be possible for 2 plants (most likely indica for size restrictions) OR just the single (space is limited, but i would like some promising fruits of my labour)

Thanks in advance.

PS sorry if this is posted in the wrong thread but i think im in the right place. :)


Active Member
IMO that's a little small for a grow box. Once you take into account the space the light and growing medium takes up, 2.7 feet is not much height to grow in. But if you want to go for it, a few CFL's is probably your best bet.


alright i will have to re-evaluate my plans... the only issue is the space i have to work with is limited... what would u suggest is a minimum dimension requirement for a decent box ?


Active Member
I'm not sure. I have seen PC cases that have been made into grow boxes, so your dimensions are not too small, but you will only be able to have a plant 1 foot tall at maturity.


@sparkabowl. Thanks for your advice. I have now changed my dimensions to:- 1530mm (H) x 620mm (W) x 390 (D). I have also decided to go for the CFL's like you have suggested. Should i get 2 x 42w (42w = 240w Standard Globe Comparison) so that would be 42w + 42w = 84w OR (240w + 240w = 480w Standard Globe Comparison), OR should i go for smaller watt CFL's like 11w or something? in a row of 4 or 5? and should these globes be mounted into cereamic battons for the heat issue?

Thanks for the input I appreciate it.


Active Member
I'm not sure, I only use CFL's for seedlings. You want to use the high wattage ones and keep them right next to the plant - like 2-3 inches. Check out the CFL club in the indoor section for lots of good ideas.


Well-Known Member
I use 6 42W CFL's for veg (we dont take the equivalence rating here too seriously) There is quite a bit of heat put off though, so unless you have a fan blowing air across the plants, I would suggest getting the 23W/26W CFL's. You'll want 5-6 of those for 1 plant.

For your box dimensions, you have to factor in a few things: Pot height: 8-10in.; minimum plant height: 12-14" (scrog/lst); height of lights from ceiling:4-5 inches; space needed between CFL's and canopy: 2-3inches.

Which adds up to a total of about 30inches of MINIMUM box height.


@sparkbowl thanks for the input.

@ purplehazin, so for the veg stage i would use 6 x 23w CFL's (6500k) & for the Flower stage i would use a combination of say 2 x 23w (6500K) & 4 x 23w (2700K) CFL's, using the lst/scrog method? Also with 5 ft of height in the cab total, At what height of the plant should i force it into flower?