build a grow room never grown


Active Member
so i posted before but i figured i would update...

i finished my room im only growing 1 plant right now possible 2 shortly so judge on that scale....

the room growing in is 2 ft wide 5 ft long and 4 ft tall i have 2 20 watt grow light light bulbs they have been on the plant for about a month now its very very small only about 3 1/2 inches tall so i igured id upgrade
i went to home depot and baught a 70 watt (it sais the power of 300 watts) high pressure sodium light the room is lined with foil all walls and i have a hole with a fan blowing out

here are my questions
1. is there a way to make the plant grow short since my growing space isnt tall?

2. ill post picture of the light i bought but could i use this light for my 16-8 lighting process or is this the wrong light to use

3. what tempurature should the room be during and after light

4.if i go buy a florescent light is there any specific one i should buy or do they all work?

5. (most important)if i use the hps light how far should i keep the light away from the plant



Active Member
by the way the light was from home depot and is just like a flood light or something like that


Active Member
First up, it's a 70W light, not 300W, they just like to say that on the packaging to tempt people into buying them. For that single pot, the one 70W HPS light should work fine, though if you could add a metal halide light that would be good too (metal halide has a lot of light in the blue spectrum, best for vegetative growth.)

Instead of 16 light/8 dark, I'd go for around 19 light/5 dark, and move to 12/12 for flowering. I don't have experience in HPS lights, but I think the recommended distance is about 30cm from the plant (1 foot.)

LST (low stress training) will help your plant stay low, plenty of info available about it on Google and on this forum.

All fluro lights work, but you'd want 60W+ bulbs per plant, even more would be better. HID lights (like metal halide or high pressure sodium) are better again. CFLs also come in different temperatures (different areas of the light spectrum), lower numbers like 2700K are "warm", and have more red (best for flowering), higher numbers like 6500K are "cool" and have more blues, better for vegetative growth.

Hairy Bob

Well-Known Member
Put your hand right above the top of your plant, under the light, move the light up/down until you can comfortably hold your hand there, that's about as close as you can go without burning the tops of the plants. 12 inches is a guideline for a 400w hps, but I use this method and have never burned the tops of the plants, with a 600w 8" above the tops. If you want to move it closer (less distance=more lumens reaching the plant) then duct cold air over the bulb and use your hand/thermometer again. Hope this helps.